The Potter's

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We walked in and we saw a black castle. it was magnificent. I loved it so much. I looked around and what caught my eye was a red head girl, a platnium headed boy and this boy who looked pretty messy, he had brown hair and green eyes. I think that i will be able to trust them so i unveiled the shadow but kept the shield. I changed into a human. I asked the cats to stay calm while i asked hem what is this place. I walked up to them and they were frightened but they about my age. They took their stick out and they cast a spell at me it bounced back thanks to my power as a psionopath. I told them to stop firing and i will unveil my shield. They kept the stick but they did not fire and spells I told them all about myself and when they said the word hogwart i told them that my parents got a letter about it but i got kidnapped by a group of rebels at birth but i survived and i was instructed by Hermione Granger to stay with the Potters once i was found but i suddenly had a prophecy to gather differen worlds together. I already brought the cat world, my world and i need one more world which i think is their world. 

They told the headmaster about me and my stories which took an hour. I was standing there while they talked and i got sent to the family straight away. i held on to the cats while they led me onto a broom i thought it was easy i loved it and they said i was a natural. i talked to them

me : hi 

Mrs potter: hello are you Frances Jackson???

me: yes

i was clinging onto the cats

Mrs Potter: i love cats do you

Me:  I love them to

we chatted on for a while and i discovered that she is the editor for the daily Prophet sport section and use to be an international Quidditch player.

I will be starting school tommorow and i am so excited. I will be with Lily Potter. i first went to Diagon Alley and bought all the stuff i needed. Mrs Potter said she will be coaching my Quiddtich to see if i can get in the team. I conjured some money and bought a nimbus 2001. I loved it. I then flew to Hogwarts and got my house. I did it in the headmaste's office and i got Gryffindor. I got introduced to the people in my house and i made friend wih Lily and it was only 9 o clock so i read as many books as possible. I caught up as i am part Athena i am one of the 0.01% that can read a book within one hour. I decided to take Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, history of magic, Defence against the dark arts and Herbology. I also decided to try out for Quiddtich.

I found out that the captain this year is James and he needs a Seeker. He, Rose and Lily are the chasers, Fred and George junior are the beaters and James potter is the Keeper. I asked them is my powers are good to be included in the game and they said yes. So yeah i showed them that i could conjure the snitch to my hands and i could just win. They said that that would be a foul so i told them that i can conjure the quaffle into the chasers hands. They agreed. I tried out and not to Mrs potters surprise i got in. Mrs potter is the editor of the sport section as well as the Quiddtich coach. They told me that i needed to train everyday before dinner. I learnt lots not to my surprise yeah you know who my mum is.

i hope you liked it so far i will try to update as often as possible!!!


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