Nearly died because of a button

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After the Maldives I went to Greece for a view and I took Bianca with me. I did not want to lose her again. We went to the Greek temple and something caught my eye. Ok maybe Bianca's eye but whatever. She lead me by my hands and I saw that it was glowing. It was by the side of a statue of Athena. I stared at and and I found out there was a button it was a glowing blue on and in the shape of a owl.

I made sure no one was there and I pressed it it opened a gate. I picked up Bianca, still deciding against bring her or not. I sighed and I stepped through with her on my hips. The light flooded around me and I stepped into a dark cave which looked ironic compared to the colourful bright gates. I glanced back and I held Bianca even tighter. I took a few steps forward cautiously and suddenly rocks from above us fell I covered Bianca with my body as I casted a shield around us. Once the shaking stopped I let the guard down and I took my wand out and muttered," Lumos." My wand lit up and we walked more. Soon we reached a dead end then I realised where we were. It was the Labyrinth.

I mentally cursed and I looked back, the paths changed. This time I cursed out loud. I called Christian and Caitlin to tell the group that I was there and told them to send help. Soon my energy got drained and I could not conjure. When I needed water it would not appear then I was still holding sleeping Bianca and I fell.

Everything turned black and I saw white dots.

I saw it it was my animal it was a rabbit and instead of normal eyes they had buttons on them with blood coming out. My animal representing me is a rabbit and I saw it in my dreams. Soon I felt someone nudge me. I opened my eyes against my own will and I expected to be on my own bed at home not a dark cave or should I say maze.

I groaned as I went into an upright position. I looked around and I finally saw Bianca. I exhaled the breath I was holding. i kept a shadow around us and tried to remeber the way from the books of percy jackson, the battle of the labyrinth. With luck i managed to get up our but that was until i saw a button the one from my dream on Bianca. i took it off and i dumped it back in the labyrinth. That was a close call.

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