High school

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Ever since Hecate died, it was time for the mist to disappear. All the demigods had to go to high school, even if some were too old. And I am one of those demigods, so I have to enroll in Saltwater high. I brought the cats with me as they walked on beside me. 

When I walked along the road I saw so many hellhounds, their eyes were so red. I brought out my sword, which i made to transform into my Ollivanders wand. It was too many to fight. Suddenly a group of girls came, and they were led by...

Caitlin. How much I miss her. She smiled and signaled me to fight. I covered myself with shadows and I conjured my wand. I said," reducto." so many times you cannot even count. Soon they had to get me to CHB and the Amazons were staying there as well. Once i got safely to camp i had to start training as i need a personal guide now and it was a boy with jet black hair and kaleidoscope eyes, his name is Christian. He was wearing a black leather jacket and he was staring at me. It was so intense. I went on with him to the training grounds and thought it was a good idea to bring my wand out in case. He just stared at it and asked why do you have a piece of useless twig. I raised my eyebrows and muttered," magic." it turned into my sword. I turned back and smirked haha. He taught me some moves, and it was easy, and by the end of the day i know pretty much all the moves you can think of and some of my own moves. Now I had to just survive high school. I wonder what school i was going to go to. I already know that i was smarter than most because of my mum and my elf genes. As a benefit i can run jump and do stuff really fast.

Fine it was obvious i was going to stay at saltwater high with my Caitlin and Chrstian.

The first day was AWESOME. when i arrived i saw my sister caitlin

and Christian I still need to figure out who his parents are

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and Christian I still need to figure out who his parents are.

I had architecture, math, sport, english, history and finally greek.

Having elf gene certainly comes to use when you need to hide in the corner because of the school bully Larissa and 2 boys named Cayden and Shaun. Shaun has a massive crush on caitlin but becuase of her being a maiden goddess it will not happen. I happen to sit next to the Cayden boy during the greek session, and he just drops his pens at my area every 5 mins and i need to pick it up for him until the 3 time because grandpa Bolfis was watching. 

Caitlin invited me to stay over at hers while the mansion mum is working on is in construction. It was so fun. the next day we had school again. In the morning i saw that Chrisitian was having problems with Larissa. I thought and idea and got it into action. I shadow talked to him to tell him my plan. I walked up and reluctantly kissed his cheek and said," is this girl bothering you." Without hearing Larissa's reply i dragged him away. i used my sleeves to wipe my lip.

Maybe higschool is worse than i thought

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