I left ... again

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i was walking when i tripped over. I braced myself for the impact but instead i fell into someone's arms. I looked up and i saw it was Christian. he looked me into the eyes and we both leaned in . Our lips touched and when i realised that Tiana was there and she cleared her throat. she said in her most sugary voice," come on hubby boo lets not see that loser's face, drink this water it will make me feel better."

i touched my lip. i just had my first kiss or so i thought.

i sighed but in a few minutes i saw Tiana and Christian making out passionately i felt heartbroken. tears slid down my face and wrote a note and left it on my bed. i conjured money and bought a house. i left my phone and went to Apple or was it blueberry to buy a phone even if it means putting me into the risk of monsters. I put a monster detector in there and i made my headquarters there.

Many years later

i got a degree in criminology, medical, acting/singing, architecture and competed in the fencing Olympics many times. Of course i had to be careful with my identity i made a new name for myself but i made myself famous 2 years after i left so no one would be suspicious.

right now i had to go on stage as Diana Silverstream (idk do not ask) I went on stage and a few hours later when the shoot finished i went to the head quarters and opened my laptop. now i am age 22 and Paxton, Caitlin and the rest are 23 year old. i look like my dad but take on my mum more than Caitlin and Zoe. i looked at my phone and saw that the winners who are going to the Maldives with me for a holiday are. no no this cannot be happening Christian, Caitlin, paxton, Bianca, esperanza, sammy, Silena, Charlie, Zoe and most importantly Bianca. i was soo nervous. i stayed up all night just thinking about the next day. I know many years had past but i still cannot get over him.

i managed to keep my posture when greeting them. I greeted them at the door.

" hello it is a pleasure."

Everyone had broken eyes and most of all Christian his klaidescope eyes were dull. They all smiled not in a false way but Christian did not smile. Bianca looked up at me and she looked like Mum. I led them in and made them Mallowmelt.

And that was the greatest mistake ever.

The I instant I started and took out the recipe Bianca got curious, she told everyone that I am using the exact recipe that Frances used on a paper that looked similar. My face turned pale by many shades and everyone noticed, I was in grave trouble. Bianca came up to me and gave me a hug that I returned awkwardly. 

I looked away when Christian looked at me with his broken eyes. I glanced at them but looked away in an instant. I could not stand looking at the eyes of the one I once fell in love with. Everyone walked up to me and hugged me, everyone but Christian. He stared at me and looked to the floor. I felt guilty but happy after seeing him for so many years. I ran up to him and spinned him around and I hugged him, he looked surprised and he hugged me back. I released him when I thought of the pain he made me go through. I ran back to my room and slammed the door.  I belly flopped into my bed and recalled the memories. I did not know that I felt tears flooding down my face and I did not realise I was crying until I heard a knock on the door. I called out but it came out a croak. The door creaked open and I saw a small shadow come in. It was Bianca and Zoe I motioned them onto the bed and gave them the   gifts that I was meant to give them many years ago. Zoe got a necklace and a bracelet with her name and a trident while Bianca got the same but an owl instead. I went down to the kitchen and prepared them their meal. I made pasta and I gave them their favourite drink. I motioned them towards my theatre and I told them to to press a button for the table to automatically appear. They did that and the tables appeared they placed their meal on the table as I picked out a movie that I acted in.

I am pretty sure it was called the lost world. It is about a girl Bella aka me ending up in a whole other universe and trying to find my way home but ends up staying there for school. By the time the movie ends eve try one finished their dinner and started the desert which was hot fudge with blue ice cream that has a special flavour in it. It is basically ambrosia but like you can eat it anytime and no matter how much you take in it won't hurt you and can be taken by mortals. And it is also blue.

I do not regret that I left....again.

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