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 Frances is the photo above.

I still need to figure out the prophecy. So according Rose there was Quidditch today at 5 PM. I went down to Breakfast where The Headmistress Introduced me and told them of my history. I felt awkward. I am now Part of the Golden trio because of Rose and Albus. It was nearly Christmas and I got to go home with Albus, lily ans James. I have my own room which was painted black. with a black bed and yeah my entire room is black. They are going to stay with the Weasleys at the Burrow and i saw Rose and Scorpius and Albus together I joined them and said hi. I brought many books with my the entire Percy ackson series and the Heroes of Olympus Series so i can know about my father and mothers adventure. I suddenly heard saw rustling in the place. I walked up and saw the Deatheater mask that rose warned me about. I put a shield over me and walked up i nearly forgot i needed the shadow and i saw a man that looked like scorpius and he walked pass me unaware. I ran past him and i ran to the place where everyone was and i read his mind he wanted to kill the family. i ran to them and i gathered the shield over everyone on the family. He muttered some spell i gasped, he said the unforgivable spell of torture. He fired it at Albus and before it could react i stepped infront of him. It hurts so much every limb was hurting. I felt numb but my mind was as strong as ever. I flew up using teleknis and i shielded the entire family. I conjured my wand and i said," Petrifus Totalus." I suddenly blacked out. 

Rose pov

I heard the word Crucio and saw it firing at Albus I tried to get my wand but i was too late. I suddenly heard screaming. Nooooo Al..what Frances??? She took the spell but something happened she started flying and she formed like a shield between her and the person. She snapped her fingers and a wand appeared she said petrifus totalus. She blacked out.  was she all right. 

She was out for 3 days and Albus refused to leave her. She is like a sister but unfortunately she is certainly smarter than me. I sent a letter the muggle way to Camp Half Blood and her parents are coming now.

Frances Pov

I woke up and i saw Albus. His head perked up and he called his parents them all hugged me and said thank you. I know it would never damage me because i just heal with water and Ambrosia. I asked them if they could pour water on me and they seemed suprised but did it anyway. It felt so good. I made shapes and forms with the water. I made a rose, a scorpion, for Albus i made a slytherin crest and for the entire Potter family i made the snitch and for Mrs wealsey i made her the sign of wisdom and for Mr weasley i made him the sign Bloody Hell it will stay that shape forever and i blessed it that it will give them courage and wisdom and compassion and most importantly health, love and safety. They all hugged me and i gave Lily the flower lily and james a mini version of the broomstick with him on it. I also gave hugo a mini hogwarts train. I hoped they liked it.

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