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It was the day, we were officially leaving for a while.

The whole night I couldn't sleep, I was anxious and reviewing everything but I knew this would be for the best.

They can't know yet, they would be disappointed.

But they're going to change when they realise I left.

The letter I wrote was gripped tightly in my hand before I heard a knocking on my door, it was time.

I let the letter on my vanity as I looked at my self in the mirror, the plan was in motion.

The twins burst through my door telling me we were late, I nodded my hair before grabbing my bag and heading down.

Quickly before leaving I gave mum, dad, Kayden and Xander a hug knowing it will be the last time for a while.


The drive to school was the same as always, the twins arguing and Cohan wanting to drive us off a cliff.

When we made it to school I ensured my friends didn't see me. I also gave my brothers a hug which they shrugged off and told me to have a good day.

The bell rang signifying the day was about to begin, my eyes glanced around the car park until I found them.

I discreetly walked over to them, they all had worried looks until I arrived.

"Ready" Chloe smiled upon seeing me

"As I'll ever be" I replied

Luke slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to car when I suddenly noticed how close he was to me.

This never use to bother me

The kiss has fumbled with my brain

Chloe and Reece were driving as they were the only ones old enough too.

They both sat up front while the twins and I sat in the back, our bags were already there.

"Find a place so we can get out of our uniform before we drive the forest to change cars" i instructed

Reece who was currently driving just nodded while I looked at the window longingly, we were leaving London for a while.


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