Chapter 37

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Your cheeks flushed several shades of red as you struggled to utter any words, how could he say something so casually!? Your fingertips gently brushed your lips where he had just met yours, you were hypnotized until...

"did you see that?", "how shameless", "aww they're adorable" 

You heard hushed whispers and giggles from behind the door, Techno's eyes glanced at the slightly agape door. His eyes locked with the chiefs that sat outside the door watching the scene with great interest. 

"This isn't a show"

He scolded them, and they reacted to their prince's cold commands by quickly running with their tails between their legs, laughing all the way down the hall. The commotion was enough to bring you back to your senses as you laughed at their mischief. 

"So they're fun.." You told Techno, who rolled his eyes.

"They are the chieftains of their respective people, they came to my kingdom for shelter and unity. So though they are the leaders I am their prince" 

"What are their names?" You questioned, his ears fell slightly, disappointed that you had more interest in them then him. But he would tell you regardless of his jealousy. 

"Kayar, From the Lycan Clan. Jaiede of the Tiger Village and Deianira chieftess of the butterfly fame. They are my strongest allies'' 

"Well they look trustworthy, so I'm glad they'll have your back" You smiled. He felt bad that he was even just a little jealous since you were still thinking of him. He coughed and turned his head away from you. 

"Yes they are very reliable" He praised. You were still in his arms, holding him close not wanting to let go because you knew it could be the last time. 

"you'll come back to me...right?" 

"before you know it"

The two of you shared one last embrace, sharing in each other's scent, warmth, heart beat and slowed breaths. When he finally let go, he finally knew just how cold it was without you to touch. He wanted nothing more than to stay locked up in this castle with you until the end days, when the sky came crashing down nothing would matter but how you felt in his arms. 

"The carriages are ready to leave...there's nothing more I can do but leave it to you" He spoke, patience and care thick in his tone. He trusted you completely, you nod in response. 

"I'll take good care of all of them, please just come back safe"

"I promise"

With that he left, you watched as his army marched all the way through the town. The villagers cheered for their families and warriors that would protect their freedom, they celebrated and mourned till nightfall and the troops disappeared beyond the horizon. 

"your grace?" 

A knock came to the door at sunset, pulling your gaze from the window to the door. It was the same maid from before, the only one who still called you by honorifics. She walked into the room, placing lunch on the table, it was a set of sandwiches. She then poured a glass of water before curtsying.

"My grace, please eat so that you may have the strength to look after us" 

You smiled, knowing there was still someone in the castle on your side. You walked over to her, sitting down to eat. 

"care to join me?" You politely offered, her eyes widened. 

"oh my how could I?" 

"please, it's fine" 

Not wanting to argue with you anymore she sat across from you. With a smile she thanked you for letting her take a break to eat with you. The two of you ate in silence not sure what to chat about. 

" what's your name?" You ask through small bites. She beams, swallowing her meal before answering you. 

"my name is Andriel your grace" 

"Why are you being so nice?" You questioned her, you didn't want to come off as rude or picky but she answered with a blush.

"well...because, His majesty said that you would protect us...'re very pretty, your grace..." She looks at the ground trying to stay calm, you chuckle at her simple but genuine answer. 

"why thank you Andriel and I will protect you" She nodded in response, not wanting to embarrass herself any further. When the two of you were done she left the room and you felt confident knowing someone was relying on you. 

Things went rather smoothly since the departure of the prince and his soldiers, you directed everyone to help with the war effort, buying half of crops and resources to send to the front lines. Visiting residents and even Philza and the kids to see if they needed anything. Servants ignored you usually but would always feed you in fear of incurring the prince's wrath. You wanted to help more but what could you do besides that? It wasn't until the third day when there was an attack on the gates. 

"your grace!" One of the knights that had been left behind to protect the kingdom ran to the office you were working in. "There's mercenaries at the gates" 

You followed the knight on horse back to the gates, he explained that with the prince and almost all man power gone to fight the war mercenaries would try to pillage the town for any valuables and slaves. Your heart burned furiously, what kind of evil would take advantage of a city under siege. 

You stood atop of the walls, staring down at the mercenaries atop horses and armed to a tee. They were still, waiting to talk to the person in charge. 

"YOU" a knight yelled down to the men below, who wore sick smiles of sadism. "THE CITY IS CLOSED, LEAVE." 

"I won't talk to some knight, I wish to speak with the prince. Go get him." 

"I speak for the prince" You looked over the edge of the wall, down at the man who spoke. His eyebrow cocked in confusion. 

"Who the hell are you?" 

"Your grace, if you would like us to get rid of these ruffians we will" 

"your grace huh? So the prince really is gone...that's a shame...I came looking to challenge him, but you'll do" He lifted his hand into the air, signalling his archers who shot arrows towards the area you were. The other men got to work on trying to bust down the gates, you ducked down while one of the guards protected you from harm. 

"Your grace tell us what you would like us to do" 

Your stare hardened, it had only been a short while since Techno left but this is what the fae and beastfolk had to go through everyday?! You felt your chest and hands heat up in anger again, flames threatening to burst forth. With a scowl you turned to the knight. 

"open the gates...I'll deal with them" 

You made your way down, ignoring the confused looks the knights gave you. What on earth could you do? You were so little and weak. But you thought back to all the people within the gates, the sickly, the young, the old and the weak. Those that couldn't protect themselves were in these walls and they all relied on you to protect them. The knights followed you to the gates, standing by you sword and shield, a knight offered you a sword but you declined. 

"it'll only slow me down"

As the Gates slowly opened you channeled the mana in your chest to your hands burning bright purple flames from your palms. The light surprised the knights but they stayed composed to fight with you, though they were little in number they would fight alongside you.

The Lost Prince (TechnobladexFemReader)Where stories live. Discover now