Chapter 23: Ci vediamo all'inferno

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{"Ci vediamo all'inferno": "See you in hell" in Italian}

I paced and paced around the room, thinking of a plan. What the fuck do I do? How do I save him? I kept thinking and thinking but nothing came to mind. I decided to go visit papa. Maybe, I'll get an idea?

I went to the hospital and walked into papa's room. I really didn't want to come here. I couldn't see papa like this, it was too heartbreaking for me. He was my biggest strength. Everyone knew I was a father's daughter.

"Hi, papa. I know you can't hear me but I'm still here, hoping you could give me a solution. I want to save Leo but I don't know how. I know he didn't do this. I know he is in danger. I just want to grab those assholes and snap their neck. I don't know how to approach them because if I make one wrong move, he dies." I sighed.

I sat there, for god knows how long and just thought. You know what? Fuck this. I cannot just sit here and waste my time while he might be running out of it.

I called up Emma and Jay.

"Emma, Jay, call the whole damn team to the security room and tell Dario to bring his team too."

[In the security room]

I explained to everyone what had exactly happened.

"Em, Jay did you find Leo's recent locations?" I asked.

"Yeah, I found Nate's too."

"Great now we just have to see which location they have in common. That's where Leo is trapped."

"I'll do that for ya." Emma offered.

"Thank you, babe."

"Dario and I will go to Nate's place till then. Gladius isn't dumb enough to call them at their place and expose his location. He is a selfish man. He will even have his family members die but save himself in any way possible."

"Be safe."

"We will."

We went to Nate's place and hid behind the big green bushes in his front yard. We tip-toed closer to the big glass windows while trying to remain unseen. I saw Nate standing near the sofa while another man stood in front of him but his back faced towards us.

Nothing can be heard but I see the man standing in front of Nate, turning around slowly. Gladius. They teamed up with Gladius.

I quickly texted Emma and told her to dig into Gladius and Nate's history together, if they had any.

I got a response from her in about 10 minutes. What I read left me shook.

"Dario..." I whispered. "Nate is Gladius' nephew."

"What?!" his eyes widened.

"This means that he has always been a mole in our team." I clenched my fists.

"That son of a bitch!"

"I have an idea... call the team and tell them to follow us."

"What do you have in mind?" he asked.

"If they have trapped Leo somewhere then they will definitely go to that place again. We just need to follow them and let the team follow us as our backup. I'll tell Diana to come here now and go with us."

"You're a really smart woman. I'm happy my dumbass son got someone to check on him now."

"I'm flattered." I laughed. "Look, they're going somewhere!" I pointed. 

We hid behind the bushes without making a noise and followed them. As they got into the car and drove off a little further, we called Emma and Jay and told them to track Nate's phone. The guy was dumb enough to leave his location switched on.

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