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The next day, Xiao Zhan took his roommates down to town with the company of Wang Yibo and his team. The whole hour ride to town was filled with annoying corny flirting between Wooseok and Seungyoun and Sizhui trying to avoid eye contact with the additional boy the group had come with, who he later learned his name was Jin Ling and he seemed to be a grumpy fellow all the time. Sizhui didn't know whether he was trying to be intimidating but he came off as cute, he reminded him very much of his cat Gift who was also 100 per cent of the time grumpy but also would seek attention and affection from him time during the day. Sizhui made eye contact with Jin Ling who in turn scoffed and rolled his eyes looking to the other side. That gesture left him blushing and uncomfortable why did he have to sit beside him.

Xiao zhan was the first to get off the car the moment they arrived at the town, you couldn't blame him he was ready to run away from the corny flirting between Wooseok and his golden retriever of a husband.

" Hey"  Wooseok whispered to Seungyoun " Do you smell that" Wooseok pointed towards the two people a couple of feet away from them, where Xiao zhan was busy glaring at Wang Yibo.

" Smell what" Seungyoun looked around trying to see if there was an eatery close to them, cause what he could smell from the air was the salty humid air.

" Look at that" Wooseok pointed at Wang Yibo and Xiao zhan "don't you smell that"

" What" Seungyoun sniffed the air again he could really smell nothing but the salty air.

" You can't smell the sexual tension between the two" Wooseok looked at him in disbelief.

" Oh them, I don't know. Yibo has been acting weird lately" Seungyoun shrugged

" And you didn't tell me, Xiao Zhan has been acting weird too" Wooseok exclaimed

" You didn't tell me, Xiao zhan was acting weird" Seungyoun pointed it out

" Touché" Wooseok shrugs " do you think the two are hooking up," he asked his husband. " Just by chance do you think they are"

" I don't know if they are. If they have been doing that for the past 3 weeks then they are good at hiding it" Seungyoun pointed out. " Come on let me show you something" He grabbed Wooseok's hand leading him to God knows where.

Xiao zhan was having a good time, Wang Yibo could tell that. His presence had rallied the little kids on the street and he was now busy entertaining them. Xiao zhan looked vibrant and pretty and the tree shade he was sitting in while he talked animatedly in English to the kids who barely understood the language. Wang Yibo's attention was diverted to a young boy who was barely 8 and he was sitting by himself two trees down from where Xiao zhan was. Wang Yibo decided to join the kid it was not as if he was going to socialize with him when he himself was antisocial.

" You are the person who is coming to take us right" the boy talked to him for the first time after seating beside him for nearly ten minutes. And he spoke in perfect English.

" What do you mean by taking you" wang yibo was confused by that question

" You know what I mean mister you are here to take us away from our land" the boy was starting to get defensive and his tone was very harsh for an eight-year-old kid.

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