Chapter 24

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Rowan's wrath could be heard throughout the house, but the ripping fabric, shattered mirrors, and furniture being tossed about were nothing compared to her screams of fury that damn near shook the foundation. As the energy was released, her mind began to clear. She figured she had choices, she may not like them, but she had them. She either needed to invest in a vibrator, and a dildo, so she could take care of herself, or she needed to pursue a man who would cave, and she really wasn't in to the caving type. Either way, this issue needed to be dealt with because it was controlling her and it was gonna get her killed. Vulnerability wasn't an option, and considering these males were everywhere, this was officially her number one problem.

Rowan returned to the bathroom, for another cold shower. Her heart was racing and her skin was burning up. It was the only thing at her disposal that might calm her down.

Hearing the destruction taking place next door just cemented Cuan's belief in his theory. Knowing he was right about her didn't make him feel powerful though. Truth was, her screams just increased the pain that had built in his balls. He considered going back to her, knowing he could put an end to both of their pain, but then, what would she have learned? And what would that do to him?

Standing motionless in an adjoining room, he tried to focus on anything that would keep his mind off her. He looked around the room, but the red duvet on the bed reminded him of her wavy red locks, still damp, curling around her shoulders and flowing in layers down her back. He wanted nothing more than to feel her beneath him. Her skin was so soft and warm. He thought about how her warm thighs would feel wrapped around him squeezing him to her. But, all he could do was fantasize and listen, while she tore the room apart.


"Jesus, what is he doing to her up there?" Hirum turned on Call of Duty, nice and loud, trying to mask the noise coming from upstairs. He couldn't tell what was going on, but it was either the roughest sex ever, or someone was getting a serious ass kicking.

Callum knew how strong she was, the sounds brought back a familiar memory, "More like, what's she doing to him?" He knew Cuan had refused Rowan's advances even without a spell from Olian. His brother was stronger and more disciplined than him, he always had been. That's why he was the leader of their father's army.

Everyone sat silently waiting for the noise to simmer down. It was too uncomfortable to try to have a conversation with the pandemonium going on upstairs.


After Cuan got dressed he descended the stairs still listening to her destroy the room. Cuan was stoic, everyone knew he'd denied her. But, none of them needed to know how much pain he was in.

Callum rose immediately, "What did she do to you?"

Cuan gave a small laugh, then smiled at Callum "Nothing a cold shower won't cure brother." Of course, that was one whopper of a lie. It would take a lot more than a cold shower to get that woman out of his mind, or his balls to stop throbbing.

As the destruction upstairs continued, Cuan gathered them together- Maeve, Karita, Greer, Callum, and the triplets Dorian, Hirum and Silas. He was telling them his theory about Rowan when they heard the crash of the window upstairs, followed by the queen sized bed landing with a "thump" on the front lawn.

Callum looked to Cuan, "Strong one, eh?"

Cuan sighed as he thought about what she could do with that kind of power if they could get it focused, and then he continued with his theory. "She's attracted to powerful men, but I think it's more than just her transition making her feel this way. They're like a drug, fueling her. As long as she doesn't touch them, she can maintain her control...I think. I mean she did with me, but once she has contact with them, her need to be with them is so heightened that it becomes her focus...almost like an addiction. I'm not sure she can control it- not yet anyway. Anybody here have any experience with her?" He looked directly at Greer followed by Callum.

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