Chapter 47

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Offering her a room at their castle, Kester insisted she remain at their compound. He'd convinced her to stay at least long enough to recover, and then she could decide what to do next. She couldn't argue with him. Hell, she couldn't even walk out to the truck after bring cleared by Dr. Kaiste. Tearlach carried her, setting her down softly inside the cab. He sat next to her with his arm around her, holding her steady over the bumpy terrain.

She felt every bump in the road unable to help wincing and moaning as they traveled back to the main house. Everything hurt. She rested her head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand through the pain.

She'd been there before, but it looked different as they approached it at night. The windows were lit with candles, and the moon's light cascaded over cement walls. She had to admit that the stillness was a little eerie, but the ambiance was surprisingly romantic in a renaissance kind of way.

She didn't have anything with her except her purse: no clothes, no personal items...nothing. And there was no way in hell's half acre she was going to risk even one second in Declan's home retrieving her non-essentials. All of that shit could be replaced or forgotten.

As they came to a stop in front, Kester and T hopped out. She just needed a minute to catch her breath. She'd decided holding her breath over every bump in the road helped, but now she was even more fatigued. Closing her eyes she let her head fall back against the seat.

T gave her a second to gather herself before he pulled her into his arms, "Alright honey, we're here. I'm taking you inside. Try to relax." She'd told them she was feeling better back at the doc's, but that ride had clearly been a set back.

"Thank you," she just wanted to sleep. She could feel her body giving out on her again.

"Shhh." He kissed her forehead before heading inside and up the stairs to her room. He advanced slowly, doing his best not to jar her as he climbed. Reaching the door he pushed it open with his elbow. Crossing the darkened room he finally laid her on the bed.

When she felt the soft mattress give beneath her weight, she sighed in relief. She felt cool sheets against her skin. "Just try to sleep. Doc gave me some extra morphine. Here goes." After the ride he figured she'd need it sooner rather than later just to get some sleep.

The sedative the doctor had given her earlier mixed with the morphine was knocking her out. "Don't leave me." She didn't want to be alone because whether she would admit it or not, she was scared. Scared because she still couldn't breathe well, scared that she might not wake up or even worse, that she would, and Declan would be there waiting for her.

Setting the needle on the night stand he settled down on the bed next to her, holding her hand. "I'll be right here. You're safe. Just sleep."

She moaned as she tried to find a comfortable position, swearing to herself she wouldn't move again if she did. His hand was so warm wrapped around hers, comforting her, assuring her he wasn't going anywhere and that he would protect her tonight.

When she woke up in the morning the pain was almost completely abated, and she was cuddled into Tearlach's side. His scent was completely intoxicating, and she couldn't help the reaction her body had to him. She had absolutely no control over it.

Knowing this might be the last time to be with him like this, she relished in the moment, breathing in his scent, feeling his muscles move against her, but it all just made her hate him more for throwing it all away.

She felt better, but she was hesitant to move speculating what would hurt the worst, her body or her pride? "Tearlach?"

"Hmmm?" He was happy for the first time since she'd left him. His arm was around her. She was talking to him. It was the perfect morning.

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