The Pretty New Dress

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(No poem this time)

Sebastian went to answer the door. Meanwhile Clover scarves the steak down her throat. When he got back he was holding a box, a wooden box.

"What happened to the-"

"Are you really going to ask?" Ciel implied.

"Anyways what is that Sebastian?"

"It is a shipment of dresses I got for Clover. She can't walk around in pants the whole time. What will we do if we go out? What will people start to say about the Phantomhives?

"All I am saying is I got them for safety reasons."

"You're acting weird. I wouldn't have really cared until you brought up those questions. Clover?"

"Yes?" She replied

"Why don't you go try one on?" He asked.

She nodded skipped/followed Sebby into the other room.

A few minutes later Ciel heard a scream from upstairs.

"Ugh! Sebastian, that hurts!" Ciel thought Sebastian must have made her put on a corset. Not long after he seen a cat laced in a corset (did I mention that the clothes she is wearing(if not to tight) will disappear but if to tight, it will only shrink with the body) run through the kitchen, Sebastian close behind.

"Clover trust me, that was the last lace. It won't hurt anymore." She morfed back to human size.

"I just font get why I need to wear this. Can't I just wear a bra?" Sebastian shook his head

"I don't know what that is but you can't. It is mandatory that you as a lady must wear a corset when out and about, or when we have guests." He stated clearly.

"Well then what are you waiting for?" She rushed into the other room, where she was previously.

Me, Myself, and Black Butler?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang