Thorned Petals

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'Thorned petals will pierce the skin, Soon blood will begin to flo, When will it stop nobody knows, But it will flo like life itself, Lose too much blood, the heart will stop, Lose little blood, you will never know, The pain or risk of life itself'

I opened my eyes to see a slender figure, like Slenderman himself, but this one had red eyes, plush lips, and black messy in a good way hair. I thought it looked like Sebastian, from Black Butler. But then again, my vision was extremely blurry. I hugged my plushies tighter and was picked up by the man. Or what I thought was a man. I woulnt know, I couldnt see straight. I held on to the plushies even tighter and closed my eyes so I looked like I was sleeping. I was soon put down on what seemed like a chair, I opened one eye to see this person taking my plushies away. I let go and narrowed my open eye, so no one knew I was awake. Then I heard a voice "Young master." The tall man spoke to a younger male. "Yes, Sebastian."  "I found this young lady all alone in an ally, surrounded by cats. She has cat ears and a tail. She was also holding these, and had this bag next to her." The man held up my Sebastian, Undertaker, Claude plushies and my pink back pack. "Look through it, for any weapons." "Yes young master." the tall man bowed. I jumped up from the chair. "Give me back my stuff!" I grabbed my bag and plushies and went over to the corner of the room. I rubbed my eyes and then dug through my bag to find my eye drops. I felt the bottle and brought it out. I put them into my eyes and everything began to clear up. I then put it back in to see that...I was animated! I looked to see Sebastian looking at me like he would a cat. "What? Do you not have a cat to look at Sebby?" His mouth dropped open. "How do you know my name and fascination for cats? Who are you? Where did you come from? Why do you have cat ears and cat tail-" "Wh- I have cat ears and a tail?" I felt the top of my head to feel to plush cat ears and then felt my tail. "Oh my gosh, I must be a Neko- Or a Shaki." I leaned into the wall smileing like a mad man.

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