Again I was lying, jeez

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Once again I lied. I am updating now and this time I have requirements for the next update. Find out at the end. XD

*Somnium's point of View*

I was with my sister as she explained to mom and dad why she had done what she had done and I feel guilty. I am now so deep within my mind I can't wake up. I just keep thinking, why couldn't they save her. Why wasn't I the one to go. While I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice the shadow forming right next to me.

"Hello." It whispered. It's voice full of air, and raspy. The shadow was mine, I hope. I sat down. Once I did The floor turned to a shiny black stone and everything around me started to gain color and shape.

"Greetings." I tried to always be formal around questionable characters such as this one.

"No need to worry. I am your therapist so to speak. I am here to help."

"But I am in no immediate danger this second and there is not much to help me with. I am not to keen with therapy. Why?" I wasn't to sure what I would need help on besides maybe wakeing up.

"My dear you can only wake up if you get help. You don't realize it but, you have a lot going on to prevent you from waking up." The shadow then formed into a person. It was a man. No, a boy. His eyes were electric blue. His hair also blue. He had cats ears and a tail.

"What is your name?" I asked him. He smiled.

"I will tell you later. But first things first. What is it you feel now. Your emotion, I mean." He snapped his fingers and I was now sitting in a chair.





I thought for a moment before answering.

"My sister, she thought my parents loved me more because they saved me but could not get to her in time. She then left after they told her that was not true and they both loved us equally."

"What is there to be sorrowful for?"

" Well I feel guilty that I lived. She never got to see another day of her life until she took over my body. She never experienced love, unlike I. Why wasn't I taken instead?" My eyes felt watery so I wiped away the tears.

He answered with up most confidence.

"It was not your fault. It was fate. She always felt your were the favorite but, she could never prove it. If this never happened she would have lived her whole life A lie. Would you want that of her?"

My eyes widened. I never thought of it that way.

"No," I looked to my feet, "not at all." He smiled. And he took me by the hand.

I blinked and we were in a nice bedroom. He lead me to a mirror.

"Look at yourself then look to me." I did as he was told.

My hair was no longer black but blue and curly and my eyes where electric blue. I looked to him. He smiled he lead me to the window and opened it. We sat on the ledge.

"So what is your name?" I asked.

"I am Somnium. Just like you, I am you but in an alternate dimension. We are both in the same place but, we are very different." He put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. After doing so he through me through the window.

"Remember what I told you ok?" He yelled to me as I fell.

I woke up surrounded by those who I love. Mom, Dad, Ciel, and Sebastian.

"We thought we lost you." Mom embraced me. His black hair ticked my nose.

I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you mom." I could feel his tears through my kitty tee shirt. Wait! I am wearing a tee shirt? Eh, whatever.

"I love you too." My father looked to me and smiled as if to say, I love you. Once Mom let go Ciel came up to me and gave me a long kiss.

"I am glad we didn't lose you. I would have died without you." He stated.

Sebastian smirked and kissed me also but then kissed me on the forehead.

"Promise me you won't do that again?"

I smiled, "I can't make any promises." He smiled and they all sat with me just happy I was still alive.

Ok, requirements for the next chapter: 50 reads on this chapter, 10 votes and 5 comments. This is just to by me some time. :'^P

I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!- Rinji

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