Its Me!

507 22 14

Its me
I am dark an scary like the sea
When people see me they often freeze
That or they will either flee

But what makes Me so different
Why am I the one to blame
Just because I am myself
And I am not the same

Why am I your only target
Why am I your favorite treat
Why am I the one who looking
For a new way to flee

I am leaving
I won't return
Say good bye
They will never learn

Colver's POV

It was her. Her smile was gentle and welcoming. Her eyes full of love. I hugged her.

"Somnium?" She asked.


"Those boys. They are trouble."

"How?" She just gave me a look of pity and sorrow.

"The shaki are a rare creature now a days. They need to live on. Their 'life' lives in you now. You will have the first..." Her head jerked up. Then I heard it. The bells. She faded away like she was never there.


Ciels POV

I heard a knock at the door. Sebastian speed over to it, and opened it.

"Hehe~ I see young master has called me here. That really rare. What is the problem?" The elder giggled out. But before I could tell him, Sebastian beat me to it.

"We have a guest that isn' can I put it...Not human and something went wrong. We thought maybe you could help us?"

The silver haired man thought.

"Hmmmmnnnnn~ I want something in return.....tehehehe~"

My eye twitched.

"I will even smile for you! Help her now, reward later!" I yelled punching a vase, which shattered and cut my fist.

"Young master!?!"

"She is the first priority! Go!" I yelled. I need to calm down before I end up in the bed dying from an athsma attack. I sighed, I should go get my hand bandaged. Mey-rin can help me.

Sebastian's POV

He said she was top priority. I agree. I have never seen him like that before.

I heard a gasp as I showed Undertaker Clover. Her skin porcelain white, her hair ebony black, everything else was just 50 shades of gray (sorry I had to! ^_^) .

Undertaker had his sleaves over his face, and I was unable to find his emotion. I then smelt a salty tang in the air, for my sense of smell was better than most. He was crying.

Undie's POV

It was her...
My Somnium. Our Somnium.

My eyes were watering. I couldn't stop I knelled over her.

"I know what the problem is." This happened often with her, when she was with me and ... The name I cannot say again, I must not think about it.

"Care to explain?" The demon questioned.

I wiped the traces of tears away, and smiled wide. I looked to him, bangs covering my eyes, which are probably puffy and red.

"She is completely stressed, and dehydrated." That was only part of it. She was visiting the other one. The other must have missed her for she is complely colorless, usually she has the slightest bit of color.

I smiled.

She is back, once again...She is back.

I know you hate me. I have been going through a lot. While I was writing this I started to cry. The stress and depression has gotten to me. Everyone and their moms hate me. I can manage though. Sorry it took so long to update, but I haven't found any time for writing. I have been getting verbally abused at school, and I can't keep up with the surroundings. I want to punch them all in the throat really hard and watch them suffer. Anyways I left you on a cliff, hanging on a cliff. You are officially on a cliff hanger. Mwa ha ha, I am evil.

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