Once More Part 2

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(I am pretty sure you guys got the previous message so I will just continue)

No ones POV

Clover and her parents were having a beautiful sad, family reunion. Then Sebastian Interrupted.

"Is there any way we could get Tantabus back?" Ciel and Sebastian knew it was a long shot but, they would rather try to get on Claude and Undies good side. That way when they break it to them they(meaning Sebby and Ciel. I didn't word it right) won't be killed. Maybe injured, but not killed.

"There is no posable way! Especially you Sebastian. You're a demon. Tantabus was taken from us to be cleansed by the angels. A demon/reaper is a very powerful being. Clover is a Shaki." Undie said.

"This is why we must protect her at all costs." Claude jumped in.

It was true. If the angels got a hold of her, she would no longer be. She would be destroyed.

Clover had actually fallen asleep clutched to Claude. His head jerked up.

"I have to go. I will see you two later." He skillfully unlatched her and jumped thought the window.

"I must be getting to my work as well *giggle*. I think our safest bet us to keep her with you until we can get her a place they can't find her. Please take good care of her..." He walked over and kissed her forehead and left though the window. Because they don't know how to use doors.

"Take her to my bed." Ciel demanded. Sebastian picked her up without wakeing her, then walked into the other room.

"What's this?" Ciel caught a shiney object in the corner of his vision. He turned and picked it up. It was an ingraved locket, with Somnium printed clearly on the front.

He took it and walked up the steps to his room..

I hope this chapter was interesting. Tell me how I did. Please vote; comment; follow; ext. Because you love me. Thank you. Bye~ Rinji

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