I am Super Duper Sorry

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I'm supper duper sorry

For all the trouble I have made

Am I really worth it

Tell me for heavens sake!

I may have delayed the update

But I really really tried

I hope you like this chapter

Cuz if you don't I'll cry

*Clover's POV*

I felt really bad for laying Ciel off like that. I, honestly, since the day I watched this show...I have always been attracted to him, but I never thought I could actually meet him in real life. And Sebastian too, I really like him too. I love when he corrects my mistakes. Both their traits are wonderful. I wish I could love them both.

*Sebastian's POV*

Well, this was an eventful day for me. I cleaned all the messes Clover made around the manor. Though, I over heard Ciel talking to Clover, but smirked when she rejected. I walked away hoping to find something to win her over.

*Ciels POV*

I wish she would like me. I need to get her to like me. I need her with me and by my side. With all of the craziness, and weirdness, there is a kind, gentle, young lady in which I have fallen for. I don't know what to do.

*3rd Person POV*

It was night fall and the two males thought desperately to find a way to get her on their side. Meanwhile, Clover sat outside with dog form Pluto. She pet his back and he lay next to her. She thought about Tue dramatic change in her life.

'I wish my mom was with me she could've helped me in this situation.'

She soon fell asleep, on the grass, outside, cuddled into Pluto as a cat. Sebastian came to retrieve her. He gently picked her up and took her to his own bed. He strokes her back and got into the proper bed attire and slipped into the bed. The adorable black cat at his feet started to purr.

In the morning, Clover awoke and stretched. She quickly realized she was in a neat, but unfamiliar room. Turning into her human form she stepped outside the door, but ended up in the bathroom, so she tried the other door to find it lead to a hall she never seen before. She wandered down the hall, until she came to a set of stairs. After climbing the stairs she found herself in the kitchen. Almost imidiatly her scent was clouded with a wonderful smell of meat. She looked over to the smells origin to find Sebastian cooking a wonderful meal. She changed into her cat form and rubbed against his legs.


He looked down and smiled.

"You are so cute as a cat."

'But you're cute noatter what'

"Thank you" she said changing for the last time in this chapter. He patted her head.

"Why don't you wake the young master, my love?"

"OK!" she quickly ran into Ciel's room.

"Hey!" She whispered, as she poked his side.

"Ciel?" He roles over and grabbed her around the waist, pretending to be asleep. He pulled her into the bed, and buried his 'sleeping' face into her neck. She was blushing so hard. He then started to kiss up her neck, and which now, she knew he was totally awake. Then he whispered in her ear.

"I love you..."

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