Shattered and Broken

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These are the feelings that define my heart
The world so bitter
So tart

Not a care in the world
Not weight on my back
Just scars of the past
And the hearts drawn black

What am I now
Where have I been
Nobody loves me
Not even him

??? POV

I sense her presence. She, my darling child. I cared for nothing but his soul and her return. The overlord forbid the child of a demon and a reaper. She is the offspring of Romeo and Juliet. Afterward we where forbidden to see each other. My love. My life. Even as it was unexplainable, we ruled each other out. He made me less tense and serious. I found laughter for once. But they have been reunited. And even Tantabus came to see her. Thank goodness.

No ones POV ~

Sebastian watched from afar as Undie stroked her hair. He landed a small kiss on her for head, whispering something so quiet...not even Sebastian could hear it. He walked into the room and Undertaker stood up and smiled.

"Thank you~" The diver haired man received a glass of water. The reaper opened her mouth slowly and poured little by little, the water, and pawed at her throat to make her swallow.

"Undertaker, what make this girl so special to you? You act so different around her." Sebastian questioned. He wondered why the Undertaker was so close to his love.

"She is someone dear to me."


"I will explain it to you, once I explain to her." Undie grinned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sebastian asked aloud but Undertaker had his face in her stomach.

"I will never leave you my beautiful rose..."

I know its short. I want to see if anyone can guess what Clover is to the Undertaker. I am pretty sure it is simple to you but I don't think I revealed it to you. But this is a mini game for you. Go on! Guess!

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