I know I made You wait.

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Instead of a poem I am using my author power to have an authors note. I have been doing a lot if stuff. I have also delayed uploads to my videos on YouTube. I have school and stuff so please do forgive me...After all I am almost 14.

Clover POV

I blushed and his behind Ciel, which didn't exactly work, cuz he is shorter than me , so I had to crouch. 

The trio scurried away. You know, I felt like a slut. I am not married; I f*ed two guys in less than a 24 hour period; and if I have kids, how will I take care of them?

With all these things running through my mind I didn't realize I turned into my cat form.

The two men stared at me like they thought I was crazy. I fell to the floor light headed. Fading back and forth between my forms.

It was actually quite painful. It felt like someone was branding me over and over in my body.

'Its them...' I heard it say. I yelled out in pain.

'Its them...' I heard it once again before I faded away from my mind.

Ciels POV


"I am on it young master!" Sebastian picked her up, her color was fading. The dress she had on was turning dark gray, her face was white. She looked like she was in one of those photos in the foyer. He swiftly placed her on the couch. I was trying to think who to call that could possibly help us. An idea popped into my head.

"Sebastian call the undertaker!"

I know you hate me for the cliffhangers. I haven't had any time to write and I had a small case of writers block. But now I am back. Actually I am writing on the school bus. Yeah, I take a bus. This my only free time. The tide I would say is about 5-8 minuted when we hit the stop lights. Gtg. And I promise yo continue after school.

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