From Afar

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Just looking from afar
makes me want it more and more
for its my true desire
desire of my heart~

Sebastian's POV

Once the Undertaker knew the call was urgent he had come to the estate in a hurry.

"Where's my child?" he questioned.

"About that, she was kidnapped. We don't know by who, for I had killed the angel that wanted her. But, you must see this!" I rushed him over to young master. His jaw dropped.

"I think I know who took her..."

Ciel's POV ~

I sat on the soft patch of grass and stared up at the mysterious lady. She jumped down and sat across from me, my eyes never leaving its target.

"I was a small child. I had a twin sister. We were complete opposite, but if you're a shaki, obviously there will be fishy stuff going on. I was Tantabus,meaning Nightmare in Latin, Her name was Somnium, meaning dream, in Latin. We may have been opposites, we couldn't be separated. Mom and Dad are the definition of Romeo and Juliet. Though they didn't die, they where not approved of. When we, meaning Somnium and I, turned the age of 5, in the middle of the night they had taken me, Somnium managed to escape. Mom sent her to a different dimension where she grew up. I was killed and purified as my beautiful sister lived on in a life of a cruel world." She had explained the basics for me.

"Do you know where she is?" Her grin had widened.

"With me......forever and always~"

I jerked up on the couch

"Somnium!" I was hyperventilating.

"That's exactly as I thought~" The insane one said.


"Well you see, Tantabus visited you in your sleep, no?" I looked at him. I furrowed my brows.

Obviously he knew about Tantabus! And she kept saying that she was Clovers sister, and her mom and dad. That means Undertaker and Claude would know but failed to tell us. But, what if that was the whole secret. They may not have told us if it would put us all in danger, but instead she came to me and kidnapped my true love.

"Why didn't you tell us about Tantabus and how she wanted to take Somnium back?" I asked.

"Well, if I said it that way, you might have wanted to go and find her but, she has actually come to you." He snickered.

"Anyways we will have to go through the portal to the grim reaper dimension and through another one to Heaven." I nodded.

"First, let's swing by the Tracy manner to get my Claude~" I shook my head.

"There is no time!"

"We need him to complete everything!" He yelled.

"Fine, let's go!"

Sorry for the wait. I had the last week of school and I just finished strings camp. I will leave a video to one of the pieces we played. I was in the highest group, which was so fantastic~... I improved so much. I had no time to write and like usual I am always busy. I just appreciate all the reads and positive feedback I am getting from all of you. I feel so happy. I hope you like this chapter. Please leave me a comment. I would love to hear your feedback, weather it is a number from 1 to 10 of how well you think I did, or some advice to help me out, or you don't like a scene and you want to tell me what I did wrong! I WANT TO KNOW! I want to make this enjoyable to all of my lovely Kittens (readers) But please give me your feedback. Thank you do much ~ Rinji -The Video of our Concert - I am the First chair Violist

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