Sorry Everyone!

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So I have been having family problems, school problems, phone problems, and many other things going on right now. But here is an update on my life and not the story....YET! I promise I will update soon~! Or .as fast as I can.

So I finished my freshman year of high school and I have had some major problems in my family. My mother started testing on her body at the hospital to see what has made her so sick. My grandparents had to take care of me for a while. I stayed with my aunt for two weeks, and in that time my wisdom teeth decided they wanted to murder my mouth. I came back for my 5th year of Orchestra camp. I got offered private lessons for free to help me get to where I need to go. My mom is still sick and now my grandfather is in the hospital, My insurance may not cover my wisdom teeth removal...And I am going to play at Carnegie hall on my birthday next summer, with my school. Getting the money for that is not easy. I have been over run with all the work and responsibilities for the start of school next week. I have to take care of my brother and my mom...My da will help hopefully. I am just hoping you guys will understand. I will also reply to any comments I see, but my computer won't let me reply in the comment section, so I am going to create another chapter dedicated to replying to comments, but only after I get a new real update going~^^ I love you guys and thank you for staying with me, even though I need to update more often. Thank you, and have a good day~^^    -Lee

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