If Love Falls

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'If love falls, I shall catch you. If I fail to catch you, you shall sprout wings and fly. If you believe you can fly, you shall sore, and find love once again, you shall~' I read the poem I had made for English class. Everyone laughed at me. "Oh my god, that was the worst poem I have ever heard in my life!" James Anderson exclaimed in his girly high pitched voice. Alice, sat there and yelled at his face, "I would like to see you do any better. That was one of the best poems that has been made in this class. That is the best poem I ever heard!" The class fell silent, up until Nicole Champ got up. "You know, we all know ,Alice, that you stand up for the cat girl and you know she is the worst student in this class." I looked down at my feet then into Nicole's brown eyes. "You know, Nicole, you go with the same routine every day. When are you going to say anything different? I will also ask, why pick on only me if you cant pick out your own flaws? Honestly, how come the rest of class is better than only me? Why dont you two sit down, I dare you to be quiet for at least five minutes." and with that Nicole and James snickered. they sat down and stared at me. I stared right back, but what I didnt know was my eyes changed color. They turned back to the front of the class to watch the next students read their poem. *loud ring* The bell that released us to our next class. I walked out the door when James tripped me. I stumbled and fell to the hard concrete. I fell on a sharp edge, and cut through my denim and through my soft pail skin, leaving me with a bunch of little bruises, scratches, and a gigantic gash on the outer part of my left right leg. I felt the excruciating pain and got up. James was frozen with fear. There was blood on his face, in a pool around me, and on the walls. The English teacher ran up to me, "Clover! Clover! Are you ok?" I nodded and got up slowly. A black colored tail following me. I limped over to the nurse's office. I stumbled into the office, blood gushing out of the wound onto the floor staining it a dark red. I winced, as my leg started to give out. Every time my heart beet, the dark, thick, metallic liquid poured from my wound. My vision started to blur. In a matter of seconds I was on the ground, my body shaking violently. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as a wave of painful agony washed over me. I screamed loudly, budded out voices yelled in my ear, "Cl-ver! ---eon----all 9-1!" beads of sweat sparkled on my forhead. Series of painful spikes from the top of my head to right above my ass, increased dramaticly. I was blind and deaf, screaming at the top of my lung until...Everything went black.

Me, Myself, and Black Butler?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon