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Ok so this week was so stressful and so was last week and we are like three weeks away from the last week of school. I might not update this much this summer because I am going to my aunts. Think about it this way. I am to my phone as Italy is to Pasta. Then you get my aunt to my phone as Germany is to Italy's pasta. In the bad way. So yeah. I won't be using it to much this summer. I'll be lucky to actually update one chapter in three months. Also I have a week camp the first week of June and I should be able to update on my birthday that is coming up soon. I will be 14 on the 18th of June so I should be able to update before then. But I don't have any garentees. Maybe I can write a crap load of chapters and update every so often. Well this wasn't the story. I will upload tomorrow OK. Thank you. -Rinji

Me, Myself, and Black Butler?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt