Its Here

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(No poem)

??? POV

I have my Somnium now, and she can never leave me. I missed her so much. I hugged her unconscious body and lay a kiss on her for head. Hopefully Ash won't find us. I did take off the locket so now she can't be tracked by that fiend. I stroked her black hair. Forever and always. ....Forever and always.

~Ciel's POV~

It felt as if I where falling. I reached out into the black abyss but nothing could stop me. Clover was gone. I knew that much, but where was I? The void seemed to go on forever.

"Sebastian?" I yelled out. No reply.

I don't even know if I am falling anymore, or if I am just wightless. The experience was quite different.

"Phantomhive...." A female voice called out. It was not normal. It sounded disfigured. It didn't come from any direction, it was everywhere.

"I know what you're wondering..." It spoke again. As soon as the voice stopped I had softly landed on a patch of lush grass. Just then an array of multiple colors burst through my vision. I was standing under a cherry blossom tree. The grass stretched out in all directions, only leading to the horizon. A small breeze went through the tree branches.

"Hello?" I called out, peering on the other side of the tree.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to find a young woman. She was in a floor length gown. Her hair was ginger and her smile was whiter than her gown.

"Well, if it isn't Earl Phantomhive himself. Here to find Somnium I presume?" My eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"Who are you? What do you know about Clover?"

She giggled and brought him close and embraced him in a warm hug. She then whispered into his ear.

"I know more than you do." She giggled again and pulled away, teleporting into the tree. I looked up.

"Can you tell me?" I asked. I wanted some info.

"Well Ciel, why don't you sit back and I will tell you a little story."

Sebastian's POV

I cleaned my knife with the hankerchif and sit it in its rightful place, and picked yiug master up from the ground. Both of us where quite bloody and broken.

I would have to stitch the sound on his face. I got him into his night wear after cleaning him up and tending to his wounds.

Only this did I notice, his face and his body started to fade to black and white, just as Clovers had.

I dialed Adrian's number as fast as I could.

"Hehe~ What is it Sebby?" I heard him giggle.

"I need your assistance right away!"

Clovers POV

I was in a glass case. I was unable to move. Everyone who walked by the case gave an uncomfortable look.

My eye would follow every person to walk by.

An alarm went off and the glass shattered. I couldn't move. I was then picked up by a woman with long ginger hair. She was smiling as she ran out the door of the building.

Her smile never faded as she ran. She held me in such a gentle way, as if not to hurt me. The world flashed before my eyes.

She began to slow down when we reached a bright white house. She pulled out a golden heart shaped key. She put it in the lock, and turned it.

The door swung open. She stepped into the house and closed the door everything was enveloped in light. She walked me to a room and set me down on in a show case, designed just for me it seemed. Once she had encased me I heard her say.

"Once again, my love, together Forever and always........."

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