- chapter 5 -

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Walking into the kitchen to start dinner, the time is 5:32 pm. I think about what I could possibly make and have everyone enjoy.

"Well, let's see what they have,'' I say aloud before looking into the fridge to find an array of foods and ingredients. I looked in the cupboards for what I was mainly looking for. Good, at least I have some options.

'Yes, there it is!' I say in my head as I spot the spaghetti. I take out the bread, marinara sauce, and meat.

'What am I going to do about defrosting the meat? Oh gosh, and the spices for the garlic bread, ughh, of course, they don't have any. Note to self, go to the market tomorrow.'

"I can help with that, darling," Bill spoke, strolling into the kitchen. He snaps his fingers, and the needed spices appear next to me. I look at him pick up the meat, trusting Bill knows what needs to be done. He lights up a bright blue but relatively small flame on his hand; in no more than a minute, the meat is defrosted at room temperature, ready to be marinated and cooked.

"Why, thank you for the assistance. I was worried; I'm really craving spaghetti right now," I smiled at him but quickly returned to work. The whole time Bill simply propped himself on a nearby counter and admired me cook as if he'd never seen it done before. Which, could honestly be a possibility. Regardless, it made me happy to see him taking what seemed to be content in small moments like this. I finish dinner in no more than an hour.

'Hey Bill, could you set the table? Also, feel free to take a seat afterward.'

He looks around to ensure no one is around and snaps his fingers. Just like that, the table is set. Now that I won't have to get used to. He sits next to my seat as I set the food out for everyone to obtain their own amount. A minute or so passed and in came Stan, following his nose to the delicious-looking table his sights were set on. He sets himself down, looking at me, almost begging for permission to eat the food in front of him. I giggle and start walking to go get Ford, who I assume is downstairs in the basement.

"Go ahead and start eating, Stan. It's fine; I'll go get Ford."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wait (y/n)- he's-" he stops, realizing I'm already gone. I make my way to the vending machine and put in the code. Walking into the basement, I'm stopped by Stan grabbing my arm, looking absolutely dumbfounded.

"How did you know about this?" He says seriously.

"I'm sorry, Noah and I saw Ford come out, and he saw us, so he explained himself and told me the code just in case I needed to get him such as now." He never explained himself or told me the code, but I hoped Stan would believe me. I am more than willing to tell him the truth about where I come from, but that would most definitely send him into the world's biggest existential crisis. His face softens, and he lets go of my arm, believing the lie.

"No, I'm sorry for being so rough with you, go ahead, I'm just go back and start eating," he apologized and walked off.

'That sure was close, good lying hun,' Bill quipped.

'I got a good poker face. What can I say?'

'You sure got spunk, gotta say that' He chuckled. I smiled in return and continued making my way down the basement. Making my way to the final floor of the basement, I see Sixer focusing intently on whatever whacky project he's working on.

"Hey, Sixer- " I was about to announce dinner was ready, but I was met with a futuristic gun aimed and shot at me. Reflexes kicked in; luckily, due to distance, I reacted swiftly and dodged what I guess could've swiftly taken my head off. He gasps and runs over to me, throwing the gun.

"I'm so sorry (y/n), I thought you were someone else. No one has called me that in a long time. I was just a bit alarmed. Once more, I apologize. It won't happen again. Are you alright?" He shambled over his words in embarrassment, looking at me, making sure I wasn't hit anywhere.

"It's okay- it's okay, Ford, don't worry, it was an accident, all good, I'm alright, I'm not hurt anywhere, I dodged," I exclaimed, calming his anxieties. I dust myself off and walk back to the elevator.

"I just came down here to tell you dinner is ready."

"Oh- why, thank you, what's on the table?" He inquired, pushing the up button on the elevator.

"It's a surprise, nothing too special though," I answered shortly. I look at him and smile, he returns a smile, but his body language tells me his curiosity isn't swelled.

"Anything else you want to ask? Something seems to be on your mind." I asked.

"You are quite perceptive, but I'm curious how you got down here?"

"When you locked the vending machine coming out, I saw you put in the code. I apologize if I invaded your privacy." I looked at him. I was sorry that I scared him; Bill must've traumatized him. I can't bring myself to care, but more importantly, I also made myself look a bit suspicious, which I hope won't matter in the long term, as long as Bill doesn't screw up.

"That makes sense, it is alright (y/n), just next time, call me, let me give you my number." He suggests. We traded phone numbers; he also gave me Stanley's, just in case. I made a note to get Wendy and Soos' phone numbers tomorrow. 

"Sorry that took a minute, but we're here," I announced, walking into the kitchen and taking my seat. Ford takes his seat as well, and we all quickly dig in.

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