- chapter 9 -

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Waking up, I quickly gain consciousness. Looking at my surroundings, I release a breath of relief.

"It wasn't a dream. Thank you, god, axolotl, or whoever is up there, thank you." I sit up, seeing Bill sprawled out on his bed and snoring lightly. The rising sun shines through our oddly shaped Bill window, directly onto the demon himself. Shaking my head, not allowing myself to obsess over how he looks so effortlessly attractive. I grab my phone, and I see it's 7:04 a.m. Getting up and going downstairs, trying carefully not to wake anyone in the small, creaky cabin. Seeing Ford in the kitchen as I enter.

"Good morning Fordsy!" Seeing I startled him, he jumped a bit. I guess he was in deep thought.

"Good morning to you too (y/n). How'd you sleep?"

"I slept quite well. In fact, I've never felt as well rested as I do now. I could make everybody some breakfast if you don't mind?" I suggest cooking breakfast, hoping to gain more of his trust.

"That's good to hear, and of course, if all your meals were as good as last night, I better give you some money to go grocery shopping." He offers.

"That's very generous of you, but you are already lending your house to us, and Stan has given Noah and me a nice job, so we can handle groceries, and I can cook y'all some good food."

"Well, thank you, I'll most likely be in the lab all day. You can come down and get me whenever the food is ready." He replies softly, good to know because he's the last person I need to be suspicious of Bill and me.

"Alrighty, seeing what was in the fridge yesterday, I might get some groceries before everyone else wakes up. Make sure not to blow anything up." He chuckles and nods before leaving for the basement. I head back upstairs and walk back into Bill and I's shared room seeing the devil himself sitting up, yawning, and then proceeding to stretch. He groans and snaps his shirt off, along with his eyepatch. Seeing how toned he is, I blush. Opening his eyes, I quickly notice his eye always seen under an eyepatch and gasp.

"Wow..." Where an eye is supposed to be, I see space, not as if there's nothing there but space. I see stars and galaxies, planets, and constellations. I become enthralled, walking toward him, he freezes. I don't stop; I only continue until I sit on the bed and gently grab his face. Bill's only response is to move back, pulling me with him until he's stopped by the wall behind him. I move to inspect his eye closer, his face flushing red as I get way too close for comfort.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper as I continue to invade his personal space. I wonder if it hurts, seeing as much as he does. Is it overwhelming? Questions swirl through my head as I lock eyes with him.

"Does it hurt?" I ask.

"Sometimes. If I am to be honest, it is overwhelming. Like you said, sometimes I don't know what I am to do with everything I see. Why was I given such a god-like ability with a title such as demon? What am I to see? To do? To feel?" The words slipped out his mouth with ease. He sounded defeated, tired. Empathizing with him, I touch my forehead to his and sit still, wishing I could take the pain away from him with every fiber of my being.

"Well, since you're awake, would you like to come with me to get groceries. We'll make some breakfast for everyone; I can teach you how to cook, whether you want me to or not. We'll finish work, and then how about we go on a walk through the forest, and you can continue teaching me magic. Does that sound good?" I ponder. He simply smiles and nods. I let go of his face and sat in front of him. He runs his hands through his hair, floofing it up a bit.

"That sounds good to me, though I will have to disappear sometime during the day today, say I went out to run some errands or something, but I have to get my plans back in action. It's been long enough."

"Ooooooooo, plans, what plans? I won't judge you know that."

"Well, if you're so interested, I got to make an appearance back in the nightmare realm."

"TAKE ME!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeee!" I whine and beg.

"Why? It's a pretty nasty place for a human."

"I won't be human for much longer, will I? I know enough magic to defend myself if needed, and you'll be with me. Aren't you the king of the nightmare realm?"

"You are correct, but I don't want other demons messing with you."

"Like I said, I have enough magic to defend myself. I trust you, so trust me. I won't get hurt."

"Well, when would you like to go, my doll?" I slightly blush at the cute nickname, but I ponder the question. I could magic up breakfast and get groceries later.

"I'll make breakfast for this morning and get groceries in the evening before dinner, so would right now be good?"

"Of course, let us get ready!" He snaps his fingers, changing into his formal outfit; that's normal. But along with him, the clothes on my body changed as well. I look down, seeing a pair of black boots that go up just above my knee, black tights adorning my legs and a short black skirt that goes up to my waist. Covering my top, a formal black shirt under a small white tailcoat, the first two buttons un-clipped, allowing some of my cleavage to show. My hair was slightly curled at the bottom but flowed easily and beautifully. Last but not least, I had sleek black gloves covering my hands. I walk to the full-length mirror, admiring the outfit Bill chose for me, complimenting my figure perfectly.

"Well, you have good style, but something is missing," I say. Snapping my fingers, a top hot appears above my head, floating just like Bill's. He chuckles and tips his hat to me. I giggle in return.

"Ready to go?" He asks, leaning against his cane. I turn to him and nod.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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