- chapter 26 -

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time skip -

Time, it doesn't feel significant now. However, I haven't found that to be a problem. It feels endless. Well, now, I guess it is.

"Hey darling, I'm back. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long; there were unexpected complications." I look up from the book I was reading to see my fiance.

"Hey, baby! Everything alright?"

"Don't worry; everything has been solved."

"I'm sure you took care of it. What would you like for dinner, my love?"

"Whatever you'd like. Is there any other human food you'd like to introduce me to?"

"Yes, actually! Crepes, I realize you've never had crepes! I'll go get some real quick. We are in Paris, after all."

"Alright! I'll get washed up and comfy; I'll be here waiting for you." I smile, walking over to him. I give him a kiss.

"I love you so much. I'll be back soon, baby."

"I love you too. Be safe!"

"I will!" I walk out the door of our house. After Bill turned me immortal, we started traveling the world. He kept his end of the deal as I have kept mine. However, that doesn't matter anymore. We have a house in each country, different places, different architecture, and different memories at each one. One of our last destinations was Paris, the city of love. I can't think of a more fitting place to tell him the news.

If I wasn't immortal, I would be freaking out right now. Not to mention, I am way too young, but I don't have to worry about supplies or money. All I have to worry about is our baby's health. I smile, putting a hand on my stomach. I continue walking to my destination. My destination was a cute little cafe I found while exploring the city. I heard they make the best crepes one could ask for. Although crepes aren't the first thing you think of when you think of dinner. It will still be great, especially because crepes are one of my favorite foods, and I'm sure Bill will enjoy them. I look around and see the cafe just up the street. I start skipping, not really minding the fact that I look like a childish goofball. I open the doors and make my way to the counter.

"Bonjour! Puis-je avoir deux crêpes de luxe avec des garnitures supplémentaires sur le côté, et pouvez-vous ajouter un latte à la menthe poivrée à cela?" (Hello! May I have two deluxe crepes with extra toppings on the side and can you add a peppermint latte to that?)

"Bien sûr, à venir." (Of course, coming right up.)

"Merci beaucoup!" (Thank you very much!)

Luckily, because of magic, learning new languages has never been easier. I might as well be a walking translator. I sit down until I see the employee place my order on the counter. I give a quick thank you and head to the exit. I start my short trip back to our home and sip my coffee. Letting the warm liquid run down my throat and soothing my cold body, it is delicious. Bill and I shared a love for peppermint, and I adore it. We have tasted everything peppermint we could find. I unlock the door with a quick motion of my wrist. Walking into the kitchen, I set the food down and start unpacking it.

"Baby! I have arrived with our dinner and some peppermint coffee!" I yell.
I hear running and scampering until Bill slides into the kitchen. I look at him and smile my ass off. His hair is half-wet, and he's wrapped up in a cozy fluffy blanket adorned with some sweats I got him. I hand him the coffee, and he kisses my cheek.

"Thank you. I'm glad you're home safe."

"Of course, I'm excited for you to try them. Crepes are more of a breakfast meal, but we're all-powerful, so I'd like to see someone try to tell us we can't have breakfast for dinner." He chuckles and walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and encasing us in the blanket. I unpack the food and float some plates to the table from the cupboard. Putting the crepes on the plates and decorating them with the fruit I asked for on the side. I finish my task and turn around. Meeting my fiance in the eyes, I smile.  

"You know you look awfully adorable right now, don't you?"

"You should not be the one saying that. You are the one that looks adorable. Lookin' all cute n' shit in that scarf and sweatshirt of mine. I can't take my eyes off you." He kisses my nose, and I squirm.

"HEY! You know that tickles!"

"That's why I do it, darling! I'll never get tired of fuckin with you. You produce some of the cutest reactions."

"Mhm, says the one that still can't skip."

"Okay, okay, shut up. The concept of skipping just doesn't make sense. Don't blame me when shit doesn't make sense." I giggle.

"Alright, you adorable motherfucker. Let's go eat and watch some Bojack."

"Sounds amazing." 

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