- chapter 7 -

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Bill chuckles,"Impatient, aren't we? Well, I guess I'll get on with it already." Checking my phone before we start, whatever we're doing, the time is 9:12 pm. Time feels a lot slower here, not that I mind.

"So, how exactly do I learn magic, let alone hovering?" I question, starting the hopefully very insightful lesson.

"To start, I'm gonna see if you got any magic. I'm guessing you do because you got here somehow, I don't know if it was that Axolotl's fault or yours, but whatever it was, you got here. So I'm going to basically test your magical aptitude. If you don't have any magic, I'll let you borrow some till you start conceiving your own, but I trust you already have magic." I nod along as he explains. He snaps again; this time, a very fluffy-looking black rug appears beneath us on the floor. He sits and motions me to join, and I do so. Once seated, he grabs my hands and closes his only naked eye. Our hands start to glow, bright blue mist-looking whisps surrounding them, until a brilliant white surrounds and consumes the blue, replacing it. I was amazed, I don't know what happened, but it soon faded as Bill released our hands. He opened his eye, which then looked directly at me.

"So what was that?!" I question hastily, desiring an answer.

"Well, you sure as hell got a lot of magic in you, explains how you got here and survived, mostly. This makes things a lot easier. Now (y/n), onto the real fun!"

"So, what's the easiest thing to learn first?"

"Fire, in my opinion, magic is all about belief and imagination. You believe and imagine the fire is in your palm, then you conceive those thoughts into action. Try to conjure up a fireball." Listening intently, I nod along, previous beliefs I held before being confirmed as he spoke. So, I do exactly that. Closing my eyes and imagining a small fire igniting in my palm; opening my eyes, I concentrated. I look upon my imagination to come alive. A huge pure white flame emits from my hand, not hurting me immediately but evidently hot to the touch. I look at Bill happily. He smiles, actually smiles back, placing his hand under mine.

"Try to make it bigger, don't worry, it won't get out of control or burn anything. You won't let that happen." I do just that by nudging my hand up, urging me to push my newly found limits. Imagining the flame burning brighter and more prominent, the flame doubles in size.

"Exactly, just like that. Imagine shaping the flame into a ball, keeping it in your hand." He guides. I do so, creating a white flaming ball. I try something for fun, hoping I don't mess up, although I seem to be a natural at this magic stuff. I throw the fireball in the air, catching it with my other hand. I do that a few more times before creating two more fireballs. Bill watches with amusement as I start to juggle the fireballs with ease.

"Trying to show off now?" He smirks. I nod, deciding to try one more thing. Imagining the flame-bending shape to create a beautiful phoenix. I make its "wings" flap before closing my hand, making the mesmerizing flame disappear.

"You are a natural indeed. Before I teach you to hover, because that takes up a lot more energy, I will teach you how to speak telepathically with me or others, if wished. As well as simple telekinesis, as I assume, it won't take long for you to master pyrokinesis." Agreeing and listening, I push away the question of why I couldn't do this in my world, excited I can do any of this in the first place.

"Telekinesis requires the same thought process as pyrokinesis. Belief and imagination. Look at the object you want to move, imagine it moving as you desire, and imagine it moving to your every command. As if there was an invisible link connecting you and that object. Try to pick up and bring that book over to me."

"Alrighty!" I follow his directions. Looking at the book, I imagine the book floating up and off the bed. It follows my thoughts lifting into the air. It started shaking as a weird feeling of weight was applied to my head. Concentrating, trying to keep it stable as I imagine it moving and floating to Bill's outstretched hands, waiting for the book to be placed. Shakily the text flows and lands in Bill's hands. My expression turns from a concentrated one to an ecstatic one. I am thrilled I accomplished yet another feat of magic that I previously thought would be unattainable. That belief is obviously now broken. The urge to do more, to learn more, starts growing immensely. No wonder Bill wanted to take over the world; having magic and power feels great. I look at the group of candles in the corner of the room; I bring them closer with telekinesis, proceeding to light each one with my mind and placing them around us.

"Teach me more," I demand.

"More than happy to, my little apprentice." He responds, this time with a new nickname surprising me a bit. It's accurate, so I don't complain.

"So what's next, Master," I respond in a flirty tone, not exactly implying anything, primarily for fun. His body stiffs, and his face flushes, probably not expecting that, even though he really should have.

"I should have expected that." Face still flushed; he reads my mind.

"Exactly! Also, before you teach me how to hover, teach me how to make and/or summon things." He chuckles a devilish chuckle. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that. He snaps his fingers, summoning a plethora of books surrounding us. All in an ancient-looking language.

"Once I finish teaching you the basics, what's in these books will give you the answers and lessons you wish to learn. Of course, I'll be here every step, so you don't accidentally summon a Kraken in this attic. But for now, I'll just sum up how to summon things. Summoning and making something are similar. When summoning something, whether inanimate or not, it is taken from somewhere, so you have to be very specific in thinking of what it is you want to summon. It shall appear with the thought of whatever you desire showing up in front of you or imagining it landing in your hands. Summoning things takes more energy than making something. When making something, you are building it from the atomic level, so you have to imagine an atom building upon atoms until you have the object of your desire. Of course, not all things, such as human bodies, can just be made with a simple thought. That requires ingredients; that is when you have to start learning alchemy, which is included in these books I've summoned for you. Now, summon something to your hand, and make an item you might need." Hanging onto every word as he taught with grace. I do exactly as told. Closing my eyes, I imagine every detail of the tattoo gun I own left in my world, hoping I could summon it here. I open my eyes and concentrate on harnessing my energy, the black and white designed tattoo gun showing up in my hand. I almost jump and throw the gun out of excitement. Calming myself down, I imagine gathering atoms and building a small container of black tattoo ink. I open my hand, and the black ink appears practically out of thin air. I put the ink down and wrap my arms around Bill, squeezing the shit out of him. He coughs and sputters incoherent words. After 10 seconds, he pushes me off and crosses his arms.

"I don't do what you humans call hugs, but good job (y/n). You learn fast, which saves me a lot of work." I giggle, putting my hand up to my face. I no longer can control my laughter and fits of excitement.

"You better get used to them; they're how I show appreciation, especially if we'll be stuck together for a good amount of time." I try to say as the laughing fit slowly calms down. I know not to push his comfort zone, but for now, psychologically, he doesn't believe he's worthy nor capable of compassion, love, and empathy. I think otherwise, and I aim to prove my beliefs during this time we spend together. I aim to prove him wrong.

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