- chapter 18 -

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y/n's pov -

Waving Dipper and Ford off from the patio outback, I turn to look at Bill, who stands next to me.

"You ready to go and get the rip?" I say, simply smiling at him and offering my hand. He smirks and grabs my hand, impatiently running towards the vending machine. I chuckle and start to put in the code, looking at him jump around frantically, visibly ecstatic. The door opens, and we initiate the descent to the caves. He looks at me and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. I must be blushing, but I hold his hand as he does mine, the confined elevator stops, and we walk out. We each light a flame in the palms of our hands, lighting up the dark areas around us. I lead the way, and Bill follows suit like an adorable little puppy, and I can't help but giggle a bit. We continue walking in comfortable silence, observing our surroundings and admiring the old hieroglyphics and designs drawn across the walls. I squeeze Bill's hand as we feel the temperature drop a few degrees. I shiver a little bit, but we continue on.

Judging by our surroundings, I can tell we are getting closer and closer to the caved room. I can feel my heart rate spike and my gut drop. Getting a bad feeling, my gaze shifts to Bill, curious to see if he had the same intuition. When I see his eye connect with mine, I can tell he got the same feeling. We trudge further, soon walking upon the entrance to the secluded room. Bill looks around the room, definitely admiring the tapestries of him spread everywhere along the walls. I walk to the chest, harboring the rip, I snap my fingers, and the lock pops undone. Opening it, I see the rip in the same container it was so many years ago. I sigh in relief, thanking whatever god is up there. Scooping it up with my hands, I turn to Bill.

"Bill, look." He turns around, and his eye practically fills with stars. He scrambles to get to me. He goes to grab the rip, and I move it away. He pouts and huffs.

"Wait, we're not breaking it till tonight. That is what we planned on."

"I hate it when you're right." He crosses his arms and huffs again.

"We got what we needed, so let's get going, Bill. It's chilly, and I don't like being c-" I get cut off by a bright green flash zoom past my head, and my instincts kick in to dodge whatever came flying at us. I look to the origin of the flash, seeing Ford with a gun raised and aimed along with Dipper, who held a mixed look of confusion, disbelief, and anger. Dipper put his hand on Sixer's arm, trying to lower the gun he had. Ford did not let up, but neither did Dipper.

"Why? What? Bill? (Y/n) what is going on? Explain right now!" His voice wavers. Well, shit, I guess it is time to break the rip.

'Bill, you're gonna get your power up soon, don't worry, but let me handle this for now.'

'I trust you. Do whatever you need to do, Darling.' I could practically hear him smirk, and I forced myself to keep in a giggle. There are much more important matters.

"Dipper, I'm not here to hurt you or your family. I'm not brainwashed or being controlled, either. I'm going to be completely honest with you. You deserve it; you have too many unanswered questions already. I'm from another world where this universe is a TV show, and I know it sounds crazy, but you have seen crazy, so I'm sure you can believe me. I even know you and Mabel's secret language and that you guys have one. I released Bill from his prison because I believe he can do better. I believe that for everyone. And our deal has it in clear writing that Bill cannot hurt anyone I choose, including your family, unless Ford tries to shoot at us again." I gain a chuckle from Bill, and I release one myself but continue on.

"We are going to start weirdmageddon, whether you want it or not, I'm a psychologist, and if anyone knows just how fucked up this world is, it would be me. Now that I have the chance, the power to actually do something about it, I am, I won't give up this opportunity. Now, the rules of this weirdmageddon will be a lot different and a lot less terrifying. To clear your mind further," I glance at Bill.

'Teleport Mabel to us, now.' He nods and snaps his fingers. In front of us appears Shooting Star herself, very confused, but her eyes light up as she sees her brother.

"Did you miss me so much you learned how to teleport me to you?! No matter the case, HI DIP N' DOTS!!" She jumps on him and hugs him. He returns it but quickly takes her off of him, keeping his hands on her shoulders. She tilts her head in confusion. Finally, looking around the room, we catch eyes. She immediately comes running to us.

"WOW! You're so pretty! AND YOUR HAIR! It's so long and smooth. What products do you use?? I'm Mabel, by the way, we should be friends. OH! Is this your friend or boyfriend? I wouldn't want to overstep any boundaries without knowing, but I have to say, if he is your boyfriend, you're fortunate. He's so cute." She spoke so fast that my brain barely processed the words that came out of her mouth. She has not changed, well, actually; I bet she matured, but wow, Mabel might've gotten even more outgoing than when she was a kid.

"I- thank you, so much, I'm (y/n), I would love to be friends, but eh, you see-" Her head spins around, reading the room. She jumps back when she notices Ford still pointing his gun at us.

"Okay, what's going on?" She asks, confusion filling her voice.

"I had Bill make a promise to me to teleport your sister to you when weirdmageddon started. The last thing I wanted was for you two to be separated. I don't want to cause y'all harm. I'm here to rewrite this world's laws, give people chances they never had, release the constraints on people's beliefs, and allow others to reach their full potential. Including Bill, I don't think his full potential is a rage-filled demon. I've seen so many things that say otherwise. He has this god-like ability that would have never been given to some demon. I believe he has the potential to be something beautiful. That's why I had to lie to you all. I apologize for being deceitful. I won't ask for forgiveness, just understanding." I finish and look down at the universal rift in my hands, releasing my hold on it. I hear the sound of glass breaking, seeing the beautiful galaxy once trapped, growing, and expanding into the new-found space, it was given. It looks mythical and absolutely fascinating.

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