- chapter 20 -

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bill's pov -

Teleporting the town's people of Gravity Falls to the middle of the town, they shout and exclaim profanities. Shortly after, demons and creatures from the nightmare realm also start to appear. (Y/n) releases from my grasp around her waist, floating towards the large mass in front of us.

"I know you must be scared, confused, terrified, and you probably shit your pants. Props if you didn't. Some of you may know me, and some may not. My name is (y/n) (l/n). I'm not here to hurt you, maybe scare you a bit, but bring harm to you, no. That is if you cooperate! Don't worry, though, no hard demands, just don't fight back. That's all I ask! You aren't going to be turned to stone. Like I said, I mean no physical harm. Unlike my friend here, who you know quite well, you may not recognize him now, but you know his name-" Cutting her off, as much as I love her, I re-introduce myself excitedly.

"IT'S ME! The one and only Bill Cipher! I know you missed me! As glad I am to be back and put you through horrendous torture, I cannot break my deals. Like my love said, we are not here to cause you physical harm. You can go about your precious lives. No one has to die. We'll be all good if you don't fight back or try to kill me again! Right, my love?" Looking to (y/n), she nods in agreement. I catch a certain glint in her eyes that I couldn't see before. They were brighter than ever. Her hair flowed through the wind, and I knew I was two steps away from taking over the entire world, but I wanted to kiss her. Snapping out of my trance, I see a quick motion made by (y/n) and her lips smashing against mine. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her again and again. This really isn't the time but fuck me. She releases after hearing the gasps and murmurs quiet down. I keep my arm around her waist like before, and she speaks up again.

"I know your history with this demon, but I am no demon. I am a human, just like you. Granted from another reality, I still ask you to be understanding and open to these... new residents." She refers to the demons standing amongst them. They look around with weary faces.

"They have been commanded not to hurt you all. As long as you don't bring harm to them, they won't bring harm to you. (Y/n) thinks you have been through enough. We'll be out of your hair soon, don't worry! We have a lot better places than this deadbeat town to take over!" (y/n) giggles, putting her hand to her mouth, shaking her head, and her facial expression shifts into one of seriousness.

'I'm going to break the barrier now. If you can see Robbie in the crowd, teleport him to the fearamid.'

I nod and do as my queen commands, trusting she knows what she needs to do. I quickly search and spot the frail emo-boy barely standing in the crowd. I snap my fingers, and he disappears. Luckily no one takes notice of his absence.

(Y/n) on the other hand, puts her hands together close to her chest, closes her eyes, and starts to float even higher, my grip loosens, and I let her continue going up. Her arms blow apart, and white energy rings start circling around her form. Her eyes open and appear white, hair flowing in every direction. The rings begin to get bigger and brighter until they finally release from her. The energy resonates within the force field, snapping back into (y/n) faster than light and then blowing up again. The barrier shatters, and (y/n) drops to the ground. I fly to swoop her into my arms. Holding her, she's still breathing, and her eyes flutter open.

"It worked, right? I did my calculations correctly, I think." She speaks barely above a whisper, sounding exhausted.

"Oh, you did perfect, my love. You did perfectly." I give her a quick peck on the forehead.

"You think you can float by yourself for a little longer?" She shakes her head again and nods, holding herself in the air. I turn back to the large crowd.

"Like I said, we'll be out of your hair soon. Go back to your daily lives. Henchmaniacs, on the other hand, party at the fearamid, NOW!" Snapping my fingers to increase the urgency, they all start making their way, leaving behind the human crowd in disbelief. I smirk, pulling (y/n) close again and looking toward her. She shoots back a smirk of her own,

"Last to the fearamid gets a toe chopped off!!" She screams and flies away quite quickly for just fainting. I follow suit in a fit of laughter.

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