- chapter 22 -

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(y/n)'s pov -

I awake to an empty bed, guessing Bill is attending to necessary matters. I stretch and shake my head. I feel pretty well rested.

"I wonder how long I slept." Looking at the nightstand, I see a note on top of one interesting-looking outfit in my style. Well, isn't he thoughtful? I assume we have something to do today. Standing up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I grab the note and snap on the gorgeous outfit.

'My dear (y/n), as you might have guessed, we have big plans today! As much as I want to take you on vacation all around the multiverse, we have matters that need attending beforehand. Such as taking down any governmental or alien force that tries to slow us down. You and I will go from country to country around this Earth, killing anyone you may want. As well as building a house wherever you see fit. Saving people, whatever you desire, my love. I couldn't have gotten this far without you. You probably know that, though. Meet me in the throne room, and I'll get you some food when you arrive.'

What a sweetie he is, awfully out of character but adorable nonetheless. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. Going to the bathroom, I repeatedly snap my fingers to fix my fucked up hair. Grabbing my makeup bag on the counter, I apply light mascara and lip gloss. Not going to lie. I look rather attractive. Grabbing some long-ass boots, I put them on and head out to the throne room. Walking down the hall, I see a few demons. They bow to me in respect, and I give them a curt nod and continue making my way.

'Now that, I don't know if I'm ever going to get used to it, but it is quite ego-boosting.'

Walking into the vast throne room, seeing Bill seated quite comfortably, scrolling through the air, looking at what I think are different parts of Earth. He hears my thoughts and responds quickly.

"Hey babes, I found many concerning things going on in this world. I thought I was despicable but fuck. The things some of your race does is just downright fucked up. What. The. fuck. Is adrenochrome. OH GOD, THAT'S WHAT THAT IS. I DID NOT WANT TO SEE THAT. (Y/nnnn) help meeeee, why do they do that to fetus'???!!?!?" I giggle. I float up to him and sit on his lap.

"You see why I wanna become a god now. You see why I don't want to be a part of the human race. As much as I wish I could fix everyone, they can't be fixed unless they want to fix themselves, and most people do not want to do that. Soooo, that's why I could care less about killing the scumbags that can't be fixed or helped. Especially pedo's. On the other hand, if/when I become immortal after learning everything my brain can handle. I can come back here and help people deserving of love and compassion. The ones that love themselves and others around them. And maybe even teach you a thing or two along the way." I smirk and give him a peck on the cheek. He grumbles and grabs my face with his hands, smashing my lips against his. We make out for a good minute or two. His touch is too intoxicating; I can't help but kiss back. We release, and I cuddle into him. Looking up at him, he smiles.

"Where shall we go first?" He ponders, scrolling through the holograms floating in the air, showing places worldwide.

"Honestly, that can be up to you. I think we should keep the fearamid here in Gravity Falls, though. It would drain our power to teleport it with us every time."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, so in that case, I would prefer to start with the American government. I'm pretty sure who is making their way here now." He points out, and simultaneously, we both turn our heads away from each other and to the sizeable triangle-shaped gap, only to see jets, planes, and tanks making their way toward us; we both chuckle.

"Hey, at least they brought the fight to us." I shrug and we both get up, I crack my neck and stretch my arms out in anticipation. Excited to test my new-found powers. I look at Bill and see the most wicked smile on his face. It kinda turns me on. He grabs my waist and looks at me.

"I want to test something out. Would you like to join me?" He asks in quite a seductive voice. If it weren't for the loud ass jets approaching us, I would think he's trying to get me into bed.

"That comes later, my love." He winks, and I shake my head, trying my best not to blush.

"For now, I need you to interlock your left hand into mine, channel a huge ball of fire in front of us with your right hand and watch the magic."

I nod, he pulls me closer, and I hold his hand. Feeling a large burst of energy pulse through my body, I breathe to steady my focus. Bringing my arm up, I start to conjure a massive ball of white fire. Bill smiles in delight. He brings his hand up with mine and starts channeling his beautiful blue fire into my ball. The blue and white fire begin to mix, creating a grand ball of beauty. Magic has never looked so pretty to me before. He looks at me and nods as the ball of fire reaches an enormous size, covering our vision of the incoming army. I pick up what he's putting down and release the magic ball from my grasp. We launch the ball of pure destruction, watching it fly through the air. Soon enough, it reaches the first fighter jet, obliterating it to ashes, practically jumping from each plane and jet. All that is left is fiery ashes. They fall and fall; looking to the front of the assault, I see ash hit a tank. Very abruptly, it bursts into fire, slowly spreading to everything on the ground, after about 5 minutes of Bill and I watching in pure fascination at the destruction of our combined power. We both shake our hands off, catching each other in the act, we both start to laugh our lungs out.

"That was absolutely badass! The scream before he died, oh my gosh, I'm gonna wheeze." I crumple to the ground, indeed wheezing a lung out. Bill joins me on the floor, hitting it as he also dies in laughter.

"Next objective, Time Baby, I need to rewind time just to hear that again." Bill continues to laugh. Slowly but surely, we come to a stop and catch our breath.

"Now that's over, let's get you some food, darling. You slept for a whole two days."


"I'm not surprised; you still are only mortal. Your body still needs rest." He says, patting my head.

"You have a point."

"What are you in the mood for?"


bill's pov -

"Hmmmmm," She puts a hand to her chin and ponders my question.

"I have just the thing! I'll be right back!" She lights up and then proceeds to disappear.

"Alright then," I respond to no one in particular. I float back up to my throne and start thinking. The more she uses her powers as a mortal, the more her lifespan decreases. I need to change her soon, or I'll lose her, and that cannot happen.

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