- chapter 13 -

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Hovering through the woods, following a particular casually dressed demon, I admire the animals and environment I see around me. It has been about 4 weeks since I first got here. Bill had taught me so much I swear my head could explode; even so, I'm thankful. With the equation ready to go, all we had to get was the rip. Before we plunge the world into chaos, Bill thought it would be a good idea for us to take a walk. I agreed, so here we are.

"We have arrived, my dear." Bill's surprisingly soft voice shakes me entirely out of thought and back into reality. Taking a look around, I immediately perk up. The site where his statue used to lay bare now was a field of flowers. So many flowers, different colors, and kinds alike. I snap my fingers, making Bill and I's shoes disappear. Lowering myself to the ground, I run around, basking in the sunlight shining through the dense forest, directly onto the flowers. Never had I seen a scene so beautiful. In the middle of it all, hover, Bill, looking right back at me. I smile, and he returns the gesture. Running back over to him, I tackle him in a hug, both of us falling to the ground. Still not letting go, he hugs back nonetheless.

"Thank you, Bill. This was amazing to see." I say sincerely, soon releasing him shortly-there-after. He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Of course, I'm glad to be the one to show you. Your reaction was priceless and adorable." He comments.

"For someone so suave, you sure play around a lot." Booping his nose, he responds with a chuckle.

"Can't say I don't either." An idea popped into my head; snapping my fingers, a picnic blanket, sandwiches, and sweets showed up below our feet. Looking at Bill and the blanket, asking if we could continue with my idea, he nods and sits down. I jump, soon calming down and joining him on the blanket.

"Never before did I have to eat or sleep, but you make this being in a human body thing a whole lot easier and enjoyable," Bill says sweetly after taking a bite out of a sandwich.

"Well, I'd like to think I try, but in a more important sense, do you think we're ready to invade Stan's mind? Well, do you think I'm ready?" I don't have a doubt in my mind that I can do it. I just don't want to do any permanent damage to Stan. Over these last few weeks, Stan and I had gotten really close. We shared a lot of similar views and perspectives on life. If I were to save anyone from weirdmageddon, it would be him. Taking a bite of my sandwich, I listen to what Bill says.

"I think you are more than ready. I know you're worried but don't be. It'll be quick and easy, as long as he knows where the rip is. Otherwise, we'll be in a pickle."

"That's good to know; reassurance is what I need," I say, still somewhat nervous but nonetheless excited.

"Seriously (y/n), don't worry about it. You will do a fine job. You'll be in and out with the information in a minute or two. I trust you." Putting emphasis on the last part, I smiled. After finishing my triangular sandwich, Bill and I start eating the treats. Relishing in the sweetness they provide, along with the melody created by the surrounding animals and forest. Not too long after we finish the remaining treats and food, we decide it's best to start heading back to the shack and get ready. I snap the trash left from us away, not wanting to litter, even though soon it won't even matter. This whole forest will be swallowed by chaos with the rest of the world. Oh, how beautiful it will be, all laws and rules being abolished in the snap of our fingers.

Arriving back home at the shack, I noticed that Stan's car was nowhere to be found. Recalling earlier that the grunkles told us they'd be out of the house today, my confusion subsides. Bill, oh so politely, opens the door for me. Entering the comfy cabin, I head immediately upstairs, Bill quickly following behind. As I enter our room, I kick my shoes off, snapping myself into a hoodie and shorts; I sit on the rug.

"Hey Bill, could you get me those books I was-" Cutting me off, the familiar books appeared in front of me. Digging my nose in them as soon as they landed on the ground.

"Thanks, Bill!"

bill's pov -

"No problem, hun. I'm gonna go down and make that peppermint tea we bought the other day."

"Alright, make me a cup too!" She hollers.

"Will do!" Walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, I filled the tea kettle with water and started to boil it. Leaning back onto the counter, I wait for the high-pitched sound alerting me the water's ready, only to hear the sound of the shack door opening and a slur of voices.

"I'm glad you're back, kid. Sixer here has been waiting all year." I hear Stan say. What?

"I was happy I could come up early and see you guys. Mabel gives her regards and says she'll be up soon. She needs to do a few things to prepare for fashion school." Oh fuck.

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