Chapter 6

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Arielle: ya ok I'll be there. "

Arielle gets ready real quick and heads to the office without having breakfast. She doesn't tell anyone or even have a small talk after what happened last night.

She reaches the office goes to Monet's workdesk.

" Arielle: hey Monet. So what is it.

Monet: ok hi, first of all what is this on your face?

Arielle: my face what?

Monet: your eyes look like you've put a dumbbell on them last night.

Arielle: (smirks) nah. Leave that, tell me about the thing you were mentioning on the call.

Monet: ah yes, look I've made a list of all the company heads present in the conference that day, and all we need to do is make the last move of revival.

Arielle: I don't get it.

Monet: its simple Arielle, a hefty investment and we could gain all what we have lost in a year or two. Sell our shares left and work for the buying company for a while.

Arielle: that's some ideal stuff.

Monet: I KNOW.

Arielle: and then.

Monet: we just need to sell some more shares and done then.

Arielle: SOME MORE(surprised)

(Whispers) haven't you seen the last report we had, one more mistake and we are gone forever.

Monet: possibly no.

I know you're not gonna do this, but certainly after listening to Steve.

Arielle: Steve, he's convinced, that's next to impossible.

Monet: where we already are.

Arielle: ok maybe yes to whatever you are planning on, but just mke sure it's really helpful.

Steve enters

Steve: it is. (Puts a file on the table)

Arielle: hey, Steve what's up.

Monet: you got this check done?

Steve: hi, um yeah. And this may work.

Arielle: really ( almost screams).

Steve: (makes a convinced face) yup.But we have to track on the investing firm first.

Monet: yeah. So I've made these 3 Tally, and we may start.

Arielle: exactly what.

Steve: Mails.

Arielle: ok

Steve: yeah so, we will draft an informative mail hinting about the possible bright future of our company and asking for help for the same.

Monet: cool."

Monet, Arielle and Steve along with their other colleagues start with this plan. They work on this idea for about 2 days but see no response from any of the companies. They talk about this in the office.

Monet, Arielle and Steve are talking about their company and what about their efforts was wrong that they couldn't make it work. It is about just two days but they are more worried about the other companies taking back their previous deals too. They are very tensed and are talking their mind out.

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