Chapter 46

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"Arielle: Sorry what? You're not, NO NO no no, say that again, No (nods her head in panic)

Flynn: ARIELLE!(places his hands on her shoulders and shakes her gently) 

Arielle: YEAH! (Says in a high pitched tone) what?!

Flynn: Clam down!

Arielle: Don't freaking 'Calm Down' me. You have already done so much.(says lowly with so much love and care in her voice)

Flynn:( hugs her) I've done Nothing more than Loving You.

Arielle: This is Insane!

Flynn: Yes, My Love is. And so am I, and so are you, aren't we?

Arielle: But?-You don't have to do this, really, we'll- ugh, we'll(pauses), IDK, Do soemthing, you know-

Flynn: Don't think too much, You wanted to sell it, and someone bought it.

Arielle: But you really didn't want to buy it, and you bought it because of us, it's not right.

Flynn: I don't do right, Arielle. Don't you love this place, And what's great than having it among us, among familiar people. 

Arielle: But-

Flynn: (Looks up) Trust him, Arielle, It never your decision or never mine. It's just a crazy alignment of stars, and we're compelled to follow the path. 

Arielle: Do you want me to beleive that?

Flynn: Not blindly though.

Arielle: I don't understand.

Flynn: Do you ever feel when you start liking something, it suddenly starts appearing everywhere, just randomly?

Arielle: Yes. 

Flynn: Why do Think that happens?

Arielle: IDK, Coincidence!

Flynn: I expected Law of Attraction, But okay. (chuckles)

Arielle: (laughs) yeah, that.

Flynn: I had a dream Once, I could never do what I dreamt. But, that's not where things ended. Atleast that's what I think. I almost thought I had nothing to do with my life. I had my Dad's business, I gave it a chance, with No lies, I put in a lot of effort, And It is not as bad as I expected it to be. (Pauses) Yeah, on the worst days, A heavy heart always cries for what I had thought for myself earlier, but I am happy where I am. It is enough. 

Arielle: Enough (smiles) (a tear falls from her eye) You know Mr. Flintoff, I often ask people what they aspire, more than a Job, more than stability, And most of them has nothing to say, they are happy, they have peace, they have what they wish for. I crave that. Not that I am not happy with my Job. I am, It's just that I wish for more, My mind is always battling for More, my dream, even if I know I can never be it, I don't know if I will ever stop trying, not matter how difficult it gets for me.

Flynn: (carresses her hair) It's alright, A lot of people are inspired from you. 

Arielle: (Smirks) Really? There's nothing I can Inspire someone about.

Flynn: You know that I had fallen for you, because of this. This ambition you have, your madness for It.

Arielle: It's crazy, I Don't know if it's a good thing.

Flynn: It is, Trust yourself! Don't doubt too much, Grab everything that comes on your way, For example, ME.(hugs her) 

Arielle: I'll be forever Indebted to you, Thankyou!

Flynn: You don't need to. (pecks on her forehead) HoNeY.

Arielle: don't-(pauses) (wipes her tears) 

Flynn: what?

Arielle: nothing. (nods)

Flynn: (pushes himself back) No,what's it? 

Arielle: Honey is all I want! (smiles) 

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