The Apprentice

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Right now, the monks were in the middle of a training exercise and were listening to Master Fung.

"Today's exercise will train you to fight against our newest and most ingenious enemy. I am preparing you to fight Chase Young."

Minus Jackie, the other monks gasped in shock.

"Today's exercise requires you to race to the top of these rocks..." Master Fung gestured to the giant tower of rocks behind him. "And use deception in order to win."

"I get it. You want us to think like an outlaw so we can beat an outlaw." Clay proclaimed.

"Omi, look to your right!" Rai exclaimed before he jumps into the air while Omi turned his head.

And to his confusion, he did not see anything of importance. "Where? I do not see anything?"

The young monk grunts as Raimundo lands on top of him and jumps off so he could get to the rocks first.

Getting up, Omi began to scale the rocks, but he was stopped by Clay, who held out his hand to the youngest monk and asked, "How 'bout a hand, pardner?"

Omi gladly took his hand but when he did, Clay pulled him back, spun him around, and threw him at Rai.

Hitting his target, the two boys screamed as they fell from the rocks and onto the ground.

Seeing that Kimiko was in the lead, Clay quickly climbs faster to catch up to her.

Getting up, Omi rubs his head before looking at Clay with a scowl.

"I see. You offered me a hand only to deceive me. I have learned my lesson." Omi said as he quickly climbs back onto the rocks.

"I shall never be deceived again." He said as he passed Clay and Kimiko.

With the latter smiling from ear to ear when she got an idea.

Leaning against a rock, Kimiko held up one leg and shouted, "Ow! My leg!"

Stopping in his tracks, Omi quickly comes to Kimiko's aid and held out his hand. "Allow me to help you!"

Smirking, Kimiko took his hand and proceeds to throw him into Clay, who fell and landed on Raimundo, sending all three of them to the ground.

Sticking out her tongue, she blew a raspberry at them before she goes back to climbing the rocks.

But when she was close enough, Kimiko stopped in her tracks and gasped when she saw that Jackie was already at the top.

Moreover, it was clear that she has been there for a while since she was casually drinking tea with a floating teapot right next to her.

"What took you so long?" She asked before taking another sip.

Her mouth dropped to the floor; Kimiko was having trouble understanding on how Jackie got up here first.

"How long have you been up here?!"

Setting her cup down on its little plate, Jackie held it out to the teapot, which automatically pours more tea into it.

"Since Clay threw Omi at Raimundo." She answered.

"But how." Kimiko questioned.

Smirking down at her friend, Jackie magics both the teacup and the teapot away before explaining.

"It's simple, unlike you all, I decided to play smart and took a different approach."

"Because of your bickering and having your eyes on the prize. You did not realize that I wasn't there. Which gave me enough time to get to the top first."

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