The Treasure Trove of Shen Gong Wu

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After telling his fellow monks the plan to use the Crystal Glasses to find Omi, the monks went to find Master Fung and filled him on what's going on.

"I see, then we don't have any time to lose." Master Fung said and they both go back to the meditation temple to open the vault.

Walking down the stairs Master Fung presented to the Crystal Glasses.

"Looking into the future to see where you will find Omi sounds like the idea of a wise Dragon to me." Master Fung commented.

Picking up the Glasses Raimundo puts them on his face and activates them. "Crystal Glasses!"

The Wu glowed and showed that Omi was near Hawk Rock.

"We will find him by a frozen river near Hawk Rock." Raimundo explained.

"Then let's go." Jackie said quickly leaving the vault and heading to her room to put on her winter outfit.

While the monks were getting dressed, Dojo started to sense a treasure trove of Shen Gong Wu activating at the same time.

And as a result, his rash was 40x worse.

He groans as he makes his way to Vlad's room and opens the door. "Oh, hey! Hey, Vlad! You got any more of your babushka salve? Vlad?" he questioned but he didn't see the Russian boy.

Dojo groaned as he slithers inside and started to go through a bag that belongs to Vlad to find the salve.

"Oh, please, babushka, you gotta be in here for old Dojo." He said to himself.

"Oh, let's see. Socks, Chekov, Angelynn Spicer's Reversing Mirror." He then realized what he picked up and looked at the mirror in confusion.

"Why would Vlad have Angelynn Spicer's Reversing Mirror...unless." he then gasped when he put two and two together.

"I gotta warn the others! We gotta-" before he could finish his sentence he's knocked out by Vlad.

The evil Russian boy just smirks evilly as he puts Dojo in a wood box and then quickly got his stuff and left the temple.

At Angelynn's place...
Wuya gasped happily as she senses multiple of Shen Gong Wu activating at the same time.

Her ghostly head shook rapidly at the amount of Shen Gong Wu "It's happening! The treasure trove of Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself."

Angelynn smiles at this news. "Whoa! This is great! Now the only thing I want to hear is Vlad saying—"

"Mission accomplished." Vlad said from the top of the stairs.

Wuya smirks "So, Omi is out of the picture then."

Vlad nods his head as he walks down the stairs "Da! By the time the others figure out what's going on it will be too late." He stated and puts his arm around Angelynn's shoulder.

"And we'll already have all the Shen Gong Wu." Angelynn stated.

Back with the monks...
By the time the monks found Omi he was frozen in a block of ice and so once they got back, they placed Omi and themselves near a fireplace to warm up.

"You should not have come for me, did you not read my letter?" Omi questioned.

"Yeah, and we're not buying it." Kimiko replied.

"But I saw it with my own eyes!" Omi stated.

Bending down Raimundo opens the wood box to get more fired wood when Dojo jumps put scaring the monk.

"Dojo, what are you doing in the wood box?" he asked.

The Green Dragon groans and shakes his head.

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