An Alternative Solution

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Meanwhile in an unknown location, the portal had opened.

Which Omi, Chase, and Jackie came out seconds later with debris falling out as well.

Skidding to the stop, the three looked at the portal with skepticism.

Since as far as they know a spider could jump out any second now but if it did, they would be ready for it.

Thankfully, that did not end up happening since the portal quickly closed.

Relieved, Jackie relaxes and placed a hand over her fast-beating heart. "Oh, thank the gods."

And the boys were in the same boat, Omi even took the moment to catch his bearings and was panting heavily.

However, they quickly took notice of the fact that they were surrounded by holes.

Which were burrowed deeply into the ground.

"Welp, we're fucked." Jackie muttered.

"Fighting for the good has become most complicated." Omi remarked.

"If the world is to be saved, we must be the ones to save it." Chase stated.

Omi and Jackie looked at Chase in confusion.

"There is still may be an answer." Chase said, a calculating smirk now on his face.

"Without the Hodoku Mouse, what can we do?" Omi asked.

Agreeing with the Dragon of Water, Jackie narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

What exactly is Chase planning? It's not like they have something that can answer all of their questions.

The second that thought went through her head, her eyes widen with realization.

Calming down, Jackie crosses her arms and looked at him with a bored but knowing look.

"You're thinking about using the Eagle Scope, aren't you?" She stated.

Judging by the smug look on his face, she was right.

However, it was also very clear that he expected for her to quickly come to this conclusion as well.

"Perspective as usual." He complimented with a purr.

Scoffing, Jackie walks closer to Chase and flicks him in the ear.

Hissing and grimacing in mild pain, Chase held his ear as it began to twitch at a rapid pace.

"Careful, they're sensitive." He hissed as he began to rub his ear.

"That's why I did it." Jackie stated, placing one hand on her hips, she poked him in the chest with the other one.

"Now is not the time for flirting, Young! You can do it later when our world isn't about to be destroyed." She stated.

Suddenly getting a very smug smirk on his face, he leans closer to her. "As you wish my darling."

Glaring at him, Jackie yelled, "Stop calling me that!"

The Dragon Lord just chuckled at how riled up she can get.

Leaving the area, after retrieving the Fountain of Hui from the Xiaolin Temple.

They went to Chase's lair and were now in his throne room with the Eagle Scope.

"So, by combining the Fountain of Hui and the Eagle Scope, I can learn everything? Even how to stop the spiders?" Omi reiterated.

"Yes, but first you and Jacquelynn must give your word as Xiaolin Warriors to only look for a way to destroy the spiders and not evil." Chase stated.

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