The Lone Star of Texas part 1

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It was in the middle of the night and everyone including Jackie were sound asleep.

Well almost. In Jackie's room the goth was tossing and turning in her sleep to the point that her magic started to levitate objects in the air.

In Jackie's Dream...
Jackie panted as she ran through the dark tunnel with only a flashlight to guide the way.

For some reason she needed to go down this something was pulling her towards it.

But when she reached the end of the tunnel, she was met with a giant golden double door with raised engravings of dragons on it

She looks at it and saw some inscriptions written in Chinese on the door but what was most peculiar that there was no handle on the doors.

Reaching out she touches the door to try and push it, but she pricked her finger on the fang of one of the dragon engravings.

But when she did, the eyes of all the dragons glowed red and the door opened. And just like the tunnel, the inside of the room was pitch black. She takes a step forward but then an enormous white dragon appears in front of her.

The goth looks up at the dragon in shock and tried to move but couldn't, it was like she was frozen in place.

The dragon looks down at her with its red eyes and then lets out an ear-splitting roar that sent shivers down Jackie's spine and made her cover her ears in pain.

The dragon growled as it opens its mouth and blew its fiery breath at her. She looks up the fireball in fear, knowing that if she doesn't move that she'll be burned to a crisp.

But her attempts where futile, her feet was still frozen in place and just like that she was engulfed by the flames.

End of Jackie's Dream...
Jackie gasped as she woke up from her dream.

She quickly sat up straight and grasped her fast beating heart.

Unfortunately, her sudden awakening made her magic going haywire and shattered the mirror of her black vanity table and dropped all levitated items to the floor.

The goth let it a shriek and looked at her mirror in shock.

But all the sound alerted Kimiko who alerted the others by her worried voice.


5 seconds later the door is slammed opened by the Dragon of Fire "What's going on?" she asked.

She then notices the vanity mirror. It was around this time to their fellow monks along with Master Fung and Dojo walked in.

"What's with all the ruckus?" Dojo asked with a yawn.

"And what happened to her mirror?" Rai said looking at the completely shattered mirror in curiosity.

Jackie looks down as she thinks about her dream. "My magic went haywire for some reason." She answered.

"Hmm interesting." Master Fung proclaimed.

"Did you skip a meditation session?" Omi asked.

"No. I did all of them." Jackie replied.

"It was probably a bad dream. Sometimes your subconscious can affect your magic. You have nothing to worry about." Master Fung proclaimed.

"Except when she has a bad dream." Raimundo muttered.

Clay elbows the Dragon of Wind in the side. "You're not helping Rai."

Master Fung lightly smiles "That will not be a problem. If you like I could give you some incense that should calm your mind."

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