The Mind Reader Conch

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Master Fung smiled brightly at his young monks as he beings their new lesson. "Today's exercise requires one to choose complementary Shen Gong Wu and work in unison to fight a common foe. I trust you are ready to demonstrate great focus." He stated.

Unfortunately, almost none of them were listening to him.

Kimiko was looking at herself in her handheld mirror checking out her new hairdo. Raimundo was listening to music, Omi was looking at a bee in wonder, and Clay was carving a cow.

Which left Jackie, who was the only person who was paying attention to him.

But even if he had the attention of one student Master Fung still looked at his apprentices with disbelief and disappointment.

He sighs, "On the count of 3." Suddenly a dummy that was hanging from a branch feel right in front of them.

And the person that made it happened was Dojo who instantly went to sleep afterwards.


And so, the Xiaolin monks brought of their Wu.

Going into his robes Clay brings out his Shen Gong Wu. "Uh...Ruby of Ramses!"

"Uh—ow—Sword of the Storm!" Rai exclaimed.

"A Thorn of-of Thunderbolt!" Kimiko exclaimed.

"Wushu Helmet!"

And Jackie was about to bring out her Wu but when she saw that Raimundo was loosening control of his Wu and could only watch as the small hurricane had tripped Clay which resulted in the Cowboy point the Ruby of Ramses at the others.

Luckily, Jackie knew what was going on and managed to jump out of the way in time, the others on the other hand were not so lucky and were lifted into the air.

Which caused another domino effect which was Kimiko pointing her Wu at the hurricane which made the lightning swirl around it before heading back to the others and hit Omi in the head.

Thankfully the Wushu Helmet protected him from any injuries, but the blow was still powerful enough to push him back into Kimiko and Raimundo.

Which resulted them escaping from the Ruby of Ramses grasp and fall right on top of Clay and into the pond.

Where Dojo soon joined them since the little dragon was scared awake and fell off his branch since the lightning had bounced off Omi's helmet and hit it.

Walking over to her fellow monks Jackie sighed as she brings out her Wu which was the Star Hanabi and pointed it at the Dummy.

"Star Hanabi!" she exclaimed and with that the dummy was destroyed.

"Very good Jacquelynn." Master Fung proclaimed.

He then looks down at the other monks who were now soaking wet. "Your choices were far from complimentary. And until Jacquelynn came in the dummy remained intact." He proclaimed.

"Yes, yes, I remain intact." Dojo said sleepily.

"Wait what?" he questioned as he finally woke up.

And with that the four young monks climbed out of the pond and walked to their master's side in embarrassment at their failure.

"Apprentices, you are too easily distracted."

And with that he started to take the stuff that was distracting them and drops it to the ground. "Raimundo with your 3pm player."

"Kimiko, doing your hair."

"Clay, playing with your little cow."

"And Omi, you with your bumblebee."

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