That's not Kimiko!

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Angelynn watches through the Chameleon bots' eyes on her computer as it tries to find the Shen Gong Wu vault.

"You're wasting your time." Kimiko proclaimed from the high voltage bird cage Angelynn put her in.

"Only Master Fung can open the Shen Gong Wu Vault." She added.

Angelynn smirks "You're kind of impressed with me." She proclaimed.

Kimiko rolled her eyes "So not."

"Well, you'll be impressed by my Chameleon Bot." Angie said pulling out the blueprints from nowhere.

"But as perfect as it is, I'd rather have the real you around any day." She proclaimed and winked.

"Evil and creepy. Ha. What a combination." Kimiko snarked.

Angel glares at the Dragon of Fire "Well, maybe when I rule the world-"

"Angel!" Wuya exclaimed as she started to glow.

The Pastel goth covers her eyes from the now brightly glowing Heylin Witch.

"A new Shen Gong Wu has been revealed. The Helmet of Jong."

"That's my cue!" Angelynn said smugly and activates her Heli-Pack

"Enjoy getting your bot kicked!" Kimiko snapped.

"Never gonna happen. Not with Robo you on my side. And don't bother sending a message to your friends. No transmission can escape the force field around my very evil lair." She proclaimed proudly and left.

"Just gonna play a game. Maybe update my address book." Kimiko said looking down as she scans for the virus Raimundo sent her.

With the Monks...
As the monks flew they looked at the Shen Gong Wu scroll.

"The Helmet of Jong. It gives you eyes in the back of your head." Omi explained.

"I resume you get to keep the ones in front as well." Omi said as they land near an abandoned African village.

"Look alive, gang! I got Shen Gong Wu shivers." Dojo said shaking.

"And so, we being to search for the Helmet of Jong." Omi proclaimed.

Chameleon Kimiko looks around for the Shen Gong Wu with her X-ray vision but Raimundo then appears in her line of vision.

"What are you staring at." The Dragon of Wind asked.

The Chameleon Bot turns off her X-ray vision and smiles "Just my bestest, bestest buddy ever. Raimundo."

"Whatever." Rai said walking away.

Dojo slithers around until he straightens like an arrow and pointed at the Shen Gong Wu like a tracking dog.

"There it is!" he proclaimed.

"What?" Clay questioned.

"Look dead ahead." He replied.

The monks tried to look but couldn't see anything.

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" The green Dragon questioned.

"Please." Omi said.

"The statues head! The statues head! How easy do I have to make this?"

Omi smiles apologetically and walks over to the giant statue that has the Helmet of Jon right on top of it.

"The one and only Helmet of Jong." Dojo declared.

But then loud music began to play "What is that?" Raimundo questioned.

"Sounds like trouble." Clay replied.

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