Chapter 10: Learning New Things

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"GO TRISTAN!!!!" I yelled and jumped up and down like a fool.

Chris laughed and pulled me down, "Don't embarrass him B" he said and I waved him off.

"That's my baby!!" Monica yelled and everyone laughed at her.

Tristan had the ball and he held his hand up to let his fellow players know what he was about to do, he ran halfway down the court and threw the ball before speeding down towards the goal, the clock was ticking down and the player tossed Tristan the ball and he threw it in the hoop making the basket. The buzzer went off and everyone cheered as they lifted Tristan up, I ran out the bleachers and ran to him.

I engulfed him in a hug and kissed all over her face, "Bubbie stop kissing on me like that your embarrassing me" he said lowly I smiled and wiped the lip stick off his face.

"I'm so proud of my baby" I said and he smiled kissing my cheek, the rest of the family found us and just when he thought he was out Monica came and did the same thing I did.

"Let the boy breath you too" Shannon said and pulled Monica away from him he side hugged Tristan and Chris dapped him.

"That was good little bro" he said and Tristan smiled

"Just trying to following in the family footsteps" he said and Chris laughed dapping him again.

"Tristan that was amazing I swear!" Madison said and I didn't miss the blush that Tristan had.

"Thanks Maddie" I looked at Chris and he shook his head.

"Well go get dressed so we can see Kimberly play" Monica told Tristan and he nodded.

"Unfortunately our flights leaves at 8 so we can't stay for her game tell her we're sorry and good luck" I said and kissed Monica and Shannon on the cheek, I hugged the girls and Tristan kissed my cheek before we headed in the opposite direction.

"Did you see that!" I said and Chris placed his arm on my shoulder.

"Leave it alone Alecie" he said and I groaned.

"You no fun Christopher, Tristan has a thing for Maddie!" I said and he laughed.

"Leave it alone Alecie" he said again and I pouted and he kissed it away.

I smiled and we got in the car and the driver drove us to the airport.


"Langston!" Someone yelled my name and I turned around.

My mama ran over to me and engulfed me into a hug, I lifted her off her feet and she held me tighter.

I placed her down and she kissed my cheek, "Look at you, your getting even more handsome" she said and I popped my imaginary collar.

"Well you know, I get it from my mama" I said and she flipped her hair.

"I try, I try" we laughed and she looked over and saw Georgia.

"Well who is this pretty thing" she said and Georgia reached her hand out

"I'm Georgia" she said and my ma pushed her hand away.

"Girl I don't do handshakes, any friend of my baby is a friend of mine" she said and hugged Georgia, Georgia hugged her back .

The waiter led us to a table and I pulled out my ma's chair and made sure she was seated then walked over to Georgia and pulled the chair out for her, I might be a player but I have manner. Georgia looked shocked but I ignored it and sat down myself.

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