Chapter 26: Love Don't Change

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A/N: WARNING! This chapter will have you in your feelings 😭😭
Go listen to Love Don't Change by Jeremih before reading this chapter....


I left the house to go pick up the others, Alecie decided to stay there so she could get ready and make sure everything was perfect.

When I pulled up the driver stopped and everyone got in, Marie sat next to me.

"How is she?" She asked and I shook my head.

"The same as she was this morning she hasn't talked to me this whole time for real" I said and she nodded.

"Well everything is set up, all we have to do is take care of the rest" she said and I nodded.

I hope this works..

I really don't want to be here right now, my ma just ruined my whole day.

I sat next to Georgia on the way to Chris house.

She hasn't said anything to me the whole way here, I guess she don't want me to explode and I think that's in her best interest.

We pulled up to the Brown resident and I noticed Alecie did some decorating, after the driver put the code in he drove through and we all got out.

"Y'all bags are in your room the rest got sent to Paris" Chris said and we walked inside.

"My shit in my room?" I asked and Chris looked at me.

"Nigga it might as well be my room most of my shit in there" I said and walked upstairs.

I walked into my room and threw myself onto the bed, I looked over and saw luggage that wasn't mine but I didn't feel like questioning it all I wanted was to sleep. I'm tired and I don't want to even go to this party.

The door opened and a very angry Georgia came in.

"Don't try anything or I will kill you" she said and walked into the bathroom.

Mo was in the shower and I was sitting on the bed when Alecie walked in.

She looked at me, "Can I cash in a brotherly hug" she said and I laughed getting up and hugging her.

She squeezed me tight and I felt the moisture on my shirt.

"Hey hey, stop with the crying" I said and she sighed pulling away.

I wiped her eyes and kissed her forehead, "I thought you and Chris were working things out" I said, my girl been crying for a whole two months it feel like.

She sniffed, "Its killing me Justin. I mean he is my best friend and I feel like I can't breathe when I can't talk to him. He's my husband Justin and I can't even talk to him the same way" she said and continued to cry.

I brought her back into a hug, Mo came out the bathroom and saw us. She slowly backed out the room and walked out the door.

"Listen Alecie and you listen good, Misa always told me that you fight for who you love and even if hurts you to the core you fight and if it's worth it then you will make it through the tough time. That boy loves you and he made a mistake you live for your mistakes and you learn from them I guarantee that he feels like shit right now and he will forever have to deal with that he did but yall walked down the aisle together and made a promise to each other and you wanna know what he said to me on your wedding day?" I asked and she shook her head.

"He said I wish my mother could have met her she would have loved her, he said that you were the best thing that has ever happened to him" I said and she looked up at me.

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