Chapter 20: New Boyfriend, Who Dis?

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I helped set the table while my mom continued to cook the rest of the food.

The doorbell rang, and ma looked up with her eyes getting big as fuck, "I'll get it, ma," I said, putting the last dish down and straightening my dress.

I was in the living room where Justin and Lauren were watching TV.

"Don't all just at once answer the door," I said to them, and they didn't even look up from the TV. Apparently, there was an exciting game; I shook my head; runs in the family, I guess.

I walked to the door and fixed my hair; opening it, there stood my Ma's boyfriend. I quickly looked over him, and he was cute; he was gorgeous sweet Jesus! His dreads were long, touching his side, and they were blonde at the bottom; his Carmel skin was so smooth I wanted to just touch him, and did I mention he had green eyes! I'm jealous of my mama; she did an excellent job on this one; he seemed kinda young for her, though. He smiled, showing his pearly white teeth.

Oh, there goes my knees, "Hello, you must be Alecie because she told me Lauren was 5," he said, chuckling.

I smiled, "Yeah, that's me come in I know it's hot out there," I said, and I stepped aside, letting him in. I looked at his butt and nodded.

Someone cleared their throat, and we looked at my mom, "Hey Wade," she said and hugged him.

I gave her a thumbs up and an ok hand sign; she smiled and pulled away from Wade.

"Wade, this is my daughter Alecie, Alecie this is my boyfriend Wade," My mom said, officially introducing us.

I shook his hand, "Hello Alecie, your mom has told me so much about you," he said, and I smiled.

"Well, I hope they were all good things," I joked, and he laughed

"Of course," he said, and I nodded, taking my hand away

"Well, Justin and Lauren are in the living room; we should go," Ma said, and Wade turned towards her.

"Lead the way, baby," he said, and she blushed; I pouted; that is so cute and disturbing all at once.

My mom motioned with her hands towards the living room, and he walked in that direction.

I followed in step with my ma so we could talk, "Don't be staring at my man girl," she said jokingly, and I chuckled.

"Where did you find him, and can I have two please," I said, and we laughed.

"A mama never tells her secret, baby girl," my ma said, walking closer to Wade, and he wrapped his arms around her.

I smiled and shook my head, following behind them.


"LETS GOOOOOO" I yelled when my team made a touchdown; Lauren jumped up and down, cheering.

"Go! Go! Go!" She yelled, and I gave her a high five, it's maybe college ball, but it's serious business around here.

Ma came in with some nigga, and Alecie came around them and said beside me, "Be nice," said and I looked at her and stood up.

I took this nigga in; he was taller than me, but I could take him if he wanted to get back to me.

I crossed my arms, "This is my son Justin" my mom said, standing next to me.

She hit my chest and shook her head, "Trust me he isn't always this way," she said, and the nigga chuckled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Justin. I've seen you play; you got some skills. I'm Wade, by the way," he said, holding his hand out.

A Player's Match [Urban]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora