Chapter 58: Closure is Best Served Hot

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I was getting Jasmine dressed when someone knocked on the door; I looked up and saw Summer standing at the door.

"Hey, I know I said it already, but you don't know how much it means that you got Georgia to come home; it's been years, and I feel like this will be good for her. she needs some closure," she said. I lifted Jasmine off the bed and put her on the floor; the moment her feet hit the ground, she ran out the door.

"Yeah well, she needs something because that girl is a roller-coaster and when we get back to New York I'm getting off," I snapped, and she shook her head.

She came and sat on the bed and sighed, "Well, there is a reason for that; she has only loved two men in her life, and they both disappointed her. When our father killed her mother, it changed her perspective on everything; what our uncle did to her when she was younger fucked her up even more." she said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know that, but I don't know how else I can show her that I'm not like any of those niggas" I said, sitting beside her.

"Well, you are the first person to tell her that either. How do you think Lizzie got here." she said, and I shrugged.

"Well last night I poured my heart out to her; well as best as I could possibly do I feel like such a lame ass nigga" I said, and she chuckled.

"You should never feel that way when you express your love to someone; I like you and I want you and my sister together. so, I am going to give you some advice." she said, and I looked up at her.

"Fight for her because no man in her life has ever done that," she said, standing up and patting me on the back.


I got off the plane and walked to the car waiting for me; I gave the driver directions, and he drove me to the address.

When we got there, I thanked him and grabbed my bags from him before staring at the house; I was nervous. I do not know if she will want to see me, but I am done with waiting on her to forgive me. I need to act.

I walked up to the door and knocked; I held my breath as I waited. The door opened, and Chris stood in front of me; he looked rough; a giant smoke cloud came from the house when he opened the door.

"Uhhh wassup, Chris... You good?" I said, walking into the house; I gave him a side hug, and he shrugged.

"Not really. Wassup," he said, walking to the living room and sitting in front of the TV. He picked his blunt up and started to smoke again.

"Well, I came here to make your wife talk to me," I said and sat beside him; he chuckled, but it was not a happy chuckle.

"Well, that's going to be hard-" he said, but I cut him up.

"I'm not leaving here until she is fucking talk to me; I think it's been long enough," I said, getting up and taking the blunt from him.

"I mean it's going to be hard considering the fact that we are separated," he said, and I started to choke.

"What you mean yall separated," I said, handing him the blunt back, and he shrugged.

"Yesterday during therapy, she walked out of the session and told me it was too late for us. She came home, packed some bags, and left last night," he said and gave him a saddened look.

He looked defeated; it was sad, "SOOO, she didn't tell you where she was going," I said as he handed me back the blunt.

"Nope. I have been calling her phone; she does not have many friends here so best guess is that she went back to New York," he said and grabbed another blunt he had rolled and sparked it.

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