Chapter 16: One on One

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"19 more days! We have nineteen more day until we leave for Paris and we have 2 day when we get there to get rehearsal and last minute things out the way and they I will officially become Marie Goins" I said and Alecie rolled her eyes.

"Pook we know all this you don't have to explain it to us" she said flipping through her magazine.

"Hey shut your face and let me live in my moment" I breathed in the air and smiled.

"Your so weird I swear I don't know how we became friends" Georgia said drinking some of her drink.

Mo shook her head and we laughed, right now we were planning my bachelorette party/ having a movies night.

Alecie was the maid of honor and she was in charge of the party and wanted to tell us what we were doing

She put her magazine down and clapped her hands, "Okay ladies are you ready to hear what I have planned" she said and stood up.

"First we will have a spa day getting massages and our feet and nails done, after that we will go to hotel get dressed up beat our faces do our hair and we will head to the most expensive club there is and have a good time we except for Mo because she can't drink of course" Mo threw a pillow at her and we laughed.

"Boooo where are the strippers!" Georgia said.

"Hold on I'm getting there, after the club we will head to the hotel where there will be a party there too and of course more drinking and games...."

"And then the strippers!" Georgia said.

"And then the strippers" Alecie said and they all squealed.

"I thought I said no to strippers" I said and the looked at me and then each other.

"Bitch the boys are going to the strip club all night long we are going to have some strippers" Mo said and went to grab some more popcorn from the machine.

"They are?" Alecie said and bit the inside of her lip, I placed my hand on hers and she shook her head.

"Then we're definitely having strippers" she said and took a sip of her drink.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever I guess we can have strippers" I said and they cheered.

"Yall are pathetic" I said and they laughed.

Alecie got up and headed to the control room, "Aye what movie we watch" Alecie said.

"Let's watch a scary movie" Mo suggested.

"Let's not and say we did because I don't fuck with them scary movies." I said.

"Saw it is" Alecie said putting it in and walking out the contort room.

I glared at her and she smiled, "Don't worry baby I got you" she said putting her arm around me.

"Move bitch" I said and she laughed.

Me and the guys were sitting outside playing cards and Chris walked out.

He sat down and watched us play, you could feel the tension in the air and I don't like that shit.

"Come on y'all were brothers! Chris what you did was stupid but Justin that's not your place to get involved if Alecie wants to fix it then you need to drop it" I said putting my cards down, Justin and Chris looked at each other.

They stood up and hugged it out, Justin said something to him and then they pulled away and sat down.

Julian clapped, "Thats what I'm talking about because this bachelor party would have been boring as fuck"

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