Chapter 50: Back To The Basics

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*2 Weeks Later *

I held my head as Chris talked, I was getting frustrated and I just wanted this time over. It's been 2 weeks since we were in Paris and the wedding was amazing and so was the reception.... What I didn't expect was for Marie to tell me that she wasn't getting on the plane with us.

*2 Weeks earlier *
I was packing my things up and Marie came in the room she looked she was about to puke and I chuckled.

"To much fun last night?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yes I had a ball! I had so much fun with my girls last night and it doesn't hurt that I's married now" she said and showed her ring off. I laughed and shook my head.

"It's been a fun trip I can't wait to get home though" I said and she nodded fiddling with her fingers

"Alecie... I'm staying in Paris" she said and I shrugged.

"Ok, when you coming back I was hoping we could go baby shopping I know it's early but I'm so excited I want to be prepared and I don't want to wait till the last minute we can go when you get back I'll come to SC and-"

"Alecie I'm moving to Paris, this is my home." she said.
"What..." I said sitting down and looking at her I was hurt why didn't she tell me earlier.

"Look I know it's going to be an adjustment and everything but it will be just like when I moved to London and..."

"You didn't tell you me you were  leaving then either until your plane was about to take off" I said standing up and throwing stuff into my bag.

"Alecie I was scared to tell you because I know you were going through stuff and it wasn't the right time either.." she said and I scoffed.

"No, you didn't tell me because your a coward. You always do this Pook you leave and then expect me to be ok with it when it's to late! Do you think I would have been angry I would have been so happy for you because that's what friend do they support each other I know that this is your dream. You didn't even give me a chance to be happy for you! You didn't do it then and your aren't doing it now!" I said I was angry! I mean why wouldn't she just tell me!

"I'm so sorry Alecie but still here I'll be on the first plane every time you need me I promise"

"Don't bother.." I said picking up my bag; "I'm happy for you Marie and you have a very lovely house" I said grabbing my bag and heading to the car.

*Present *
I haven't spoke to Marie since and it's been the longest I have ever went without talking to her. Call me petty I don't care I'm not petty I'm hurt... Ok I'm a little petty but cut me some slack I'm pregnant!

Chris and I decided to do marriage counseling and I was stressed out. I hate sitting on these damn couches and talking about my feelings and shit I like being on the other side listen to people not the other way around.

"Alecie... How do you feel about what Chris said. You've been quiet today" the counselor said.

"I feel like... I don't know what I feel. I mean I hate him sometimes when I think about what happened and then I realize I love him. Then I think about him with someone else and then I think about how he would never hurt me on purpose. Then I think about stabbing him in his sleep but then I realize I'll be the main one crying at the funeral...."

The counselor chuckled and shook his head, "Well you can't do that... but I hear what you are saying and you've  been coming here for  weeks and the only thing we've ever talked about it him cheating but I want to know what led to it.. I want to know what happened before this to know how to fix this" he said and I looked at Chris who was already looking at me

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