Chapter 17: The Past

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After dropping Tristan off me and Georgia decided to get some breakfast.

I took her to my favorite diner and the host got us a booth.

"They have the best pancakes" I said and licked my lips.

She laughed and the waitress can and took our drink order.

I knew what I wanted but I let her look some more, "Alecie?" Someone said and I turned and saw Michael.

I screamed and stood up hugging him, "Oh My God!" I said and he laughed.

"Still got a thing for me I see" he said and I punched him.

"Way to ruin the moment dickhead" I said and he laughed.

He looked behind me and saw Georgia, "Well hello who's this lovely lady" he said and Georgia smiled .

"That's Georgia she's one of Marie's bridesmaids, Georgia this is the pain in my ass Michael " I explain and he took her hand in his he kissed it and she rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and sat down, he sat beside me.

"I brought my girlfriend to meet the family, we've been together almost three years and I wanted her to meet my family before I gave her this" he said showing me the ring I gasped it was gorgeous!.

"Damn I wish a nigga would propose to me with that ring I'd marry him in a hot second" Georgia said and I laughed.

"Aww look at my baby finally settling down and getting over me" I said hitting him with my elbow.

He laughed, "Yeah I had to Brown came along and stole my women" my smiled dropped and I took a sip from my drink I almost forgot about our situation almost.

"Uh oh trouble in paradise" he said and I chuckled.

"More like Titanic in paradise" I said and he shook his head.

"Damn, well just say the word and we'll run off together" he said and we laughed.

"Don't you have somewhere to be" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I'm just picking some food up for girl, it was nice seeing you Alecie" he said and I got up to hug him, I squeezed him tight because I really did miss him he was my best friend but when the Terrence situation came out I shut him out I couldn't have him judging me too.

"You too" I said pulling away and sitting down, he waved at Georgia.
"Nice meeting you tell everybody I said what's up and Tell Marie and Julian congrats" he said grabbing his food and walking out.

"Sorry that was my best friend from high school I haven't seen him in years" I explained and Georgia waved me off.

"It's fine girl" she said and the waiter came and took our order and then she was off again.

We grew silent and I sat back crossing my arms, "So what's up" I said and she looked at me funny.

"What do you mean" I smiled, "I know that look I created that look something's bothering you" I said.

She bit her lip and looked me in my eyes, "Does it get better"

Her question threw me off guard so i was probably look real stupid, "Does what get better?" I asked

"I mean you've been through so much in your past and I just wanted to know does the pain ever go away" she asked and I sat back again, I looked down because I need to seriously think about my answer.

"Yes, it does the pain will always be there but it won't consume you. It got bad that at one point I didn't want to live, I took anything to make everything just stop but it didn't help with the pain. To be honest the only thing that helped me is time, time can be you best friend and your worst enemy." I said and she nodded.

A Player's Match [Urban]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz