Chapter 48: I Just Wanna

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I looked into the pool as I was processing what Chris just told me. 

"What are you thinking" he said and i finally looked up at him. 

"I think that you need to do what is best for you. I cant make that decision for you" I said and stood up. Its like things just keep happening and that's when I realized we are never going to be the same EVER again. 

"I think its best we wait until we get back home to discuss this. I want to make sure that I'm all in for Pook weeding and she needs me" I said and walked over to him and despite how I feel about him right now.

 I gave him something that I think we both needed right now; I hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me so tight and I buried my face into his chest. 

"I'm sorry" he said from above me; I pulled away and gave him a weakly smile. 

"I know...." I said while walking away from him. 

*8 hours before the wedding *

Coffee and lots of it; Thats what it need... OK so I had a good time last night sue me! But this is the day I to get everything together before I walk down the aisle

"Shannon, Monica, and the kids just landed their on the way to the hotel now" Alecie said and handed her phone to the clerk while she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Damn I look good.." she said and Mo laughed. Them bitches went and got pregnant and they sober and shit while the rest of us at miserable. Well not everyone just me and Georgia we had more fun that the others but I have no shame!

"Marie you have to let us see the dress" Kenny said and everybody agreed.

"Sorry love no can do I want everybody to be wowed when I walk through the door." I said smiling evilly.

Georgia came out the dressing room with Lizzie in tow, she has been attached to Georgia's hip since this morning. I think its cute, they don't really get to spend time together and I know that Georgia always feels guilty about that but she wanted to give Lizzie a better life and if that mean making a huge sacrifice that's what she did.

Lizzie was wearing the dress I made special for her and Georgia was trying on her bridesmaid dress," Aww look at my baby!" I said and Lizzie smiled running towards me. She jumped in my arms and I picked her up, we watched as the other girl tried there dresses on and I smile in less than 8 hours I will be Mrs. Marie Alicia Goins! I'm so excited and I can't wait to walk down the aisle and marry the love of my life.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" Mo said and I smiled even harder. "I'm just really happy that's all" I said and teared up a little.

"Dammit Marie don't do this to me! I'm pregnant and really emotional!" Mo said and started crying, Alecie shook her head and started fanning her face.

"What the fuck, both of y'all bitches need to chill!" she said and we laughed.


 I straighten my tie and fixed my collar, I looked damn good in the suit. Someone came and fixed my collar from the back and I saw it was Julian.

"This feels like your wedding all over again" he said and I laughed and turned towards him fixing his suit a little.

"We dress nice if I do say so myself" I said and he laughed.

"Listen, about the whole baby thing-" I said and he held his hand up.

"I don't want to talk about it we good, I'm sorry for punching you" he said and I shook my head rubbing my cheek

"I would have done worse so all is forgiven" I said and we hugged it out.

"Ok enough of this mushy shit, I'm getting married in 8 hours and I need to be prepared" he said and I nodded.


*8 hours till the wedding"
We were at the church preparing for the wedding, I stood by Langston because we were the last to walk out.

"Wassup Langston you not speaking to me now " I said and he looked at me and shook his head.

"No I'm good.." he said and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"That's fine because my daughter is here and your stank ass attitude is not going to ruin my happy mood" I said smiling and he nodded.

I crossed my arms and let out a breath, this was taking so long.

"You know what I don't know what has gotten in to you I didn't do anything to you so I don't know where the silent treatment is coming from. I thought we was good" I said and he sighed.

"I thought you said you was going to let my stank asses attitude ruin your mood" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not I'm just asking..." I said and looked forward again but I just couldn't let it go I mean he been acting like this ever since we got here but it got worse when My sister and Lizzie got here.

"Is it because of my daughter because you knew I had a daughter and even though I have a daughter it shouldn't matter because I'm not ashamed of her and another thing -"

I said and he stop me, "G chill with all that you not my girl so stop tripping because I'm not talking to you I just don't feel like talking" he said and I nodded.

I know I shouldn't be mad but I did get a little upset.

"Or is it because you kissed my sister last night on the neck"  I said i said smiling at him.

He looked at me shocked and I busted out laughing, "Yeah she told me... she is my sister" I said and he shook his head. 

"I though she was you...." he said lowly and tried looking everywhere but at me. 

"Well I must say I'm a little shocked I thought we agreed to just be friends. Friends don't usually grab other friends from the back and kiss their neck; plus you missed meee" I said mocking him and pinching his cheek. 

He smacked my hand away, "I was drunk last night so you cant fault me for anything i did last night" he said and I chuckled. 

The wedding planner lined us up and I looped my arm around his, "Listen I know you have a thing for me so the quicker you admit it the more time I have to reject you" I said smiling up at him.  

He chuckled and looked down at me, "is that so? maybe i will be the one to reject you" he said and I pretended to think about something and shook my head. 

"Nah, I don't think so" I said as the music played for the bridal party to come through.


She updated 😱😱😱 Awwww shit! 😂😂

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