Chapter 51: Back To the Basic Pt.2

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"We should definitely change that to a light pink I don't really like it in red and do I have any messages?" I asked my assistant she shook her head looking at me.

"She hasn't called Mrs. Goins-" I frowned I couldn't even be happy about her calling me Mrs.Goins because my best friend wasn't talking to me.

"Did you check on that other thing for me?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm still pinpointing his exact location but I do know he lives in a foster home and its in Louisiana I'm working on more information Mrs.Goins" she said and nodded.

"Please Call me Marie" I said and she nodded smiling, "Thanks Missyy" I said and she turned on her heels and Left.

I sigh and lean back in my chair, I really wish Alecie was talking to me because I need her now more than ever. I want to meet my son and I want Julian to meet him I haven't told Julian I'm looking for him because we just got married I don't want to ruin it by bringing up the past but I got to know if he is OK an I want him to know he has a family I just wasn't ready but I am now.

I twirled my ring on my finger and sat up, I dialed Alecie's number and it went to voicemail I slammed the phone down and held my head in my hand.

"Yes I did get you design for the new building but I think we should go with Kepler's design I like thevyellow and red that she brought to the table" I said through the telephone I was working with another company to build a new REC building in Chicago for the kids. I was also working on my own building here in Paris, it's almost done and when I get it done I will be able to work at my office but I'm not complaining I can make business call and do even thing I need to do at home and in my boxers.

"Ok and then we need to make sure we're breaking ground in Florida I want to make sure that project is done before April and it's July now so they need to be getting busy on that " I said through the phone.

"Yes sir and I wanted to let you know that your special project is almost done in New York and should be able to unveil it in August sir" James said to me and I nodded.

"Good Listen I have to go but keep me updated" I said and hung up the phone.

I took my earpiece off and threw it on the table, I grabbed my laptop and after hours of working I sat the computer down and sighed.

I picked up my phone and called Alecie, she answered first ring.

"Julian why the hell are you calling me at 3 o'clock in the morning" she said in a sleepy vice I looked at the clock and it read 12 o'clock pm.

"My bad I forgot about the time difference I'll let you sleep" I said about to hang up.

"Nah you good I'm up now, wassup? " she said.
Before I could talk she cut me off, "If you are calling because of Marie I'm hanging up" she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Y'all are so dramatic it's not even that deep B" I said and she let out this long sigh

"It is to me, because you guys live in a whole other world compare to me it seems and she didn't tell me till I was packing to leave. Just like when she left for London." she said and I rolled my eyes again.

"Again both of you are always so dramatic but that's between y'all I'm staying out until y'all work it out and if I see it getting outta hand imma step in but that's not why I called I need your help"

She asked me what I needed, "I need you to help me find my son" I said and the phone when silent.

I was so nervous I know Justin was he was sweating bullets.
"Would you stop it your making me me nervous as hell." I said and he calmed beside me.

Today we are finding out what we are having a girl or a boy. This week I am 4 months and we can find out what I'm having which is exciting to me and Justin I'm sure. I want a boy surprisingly but Justin wants a girl which is even more surprising, we were waiting in the waiting room to be called go the back.

"Ok what about Draya for a girl and Elijah for a boy" I said and Justin shook his head.
"I like Justin for a boy and Justine for a girl" he said smiling and I looked at him stupid.
"No I'm not naming our Daughter Justine I will name our son Justin though I'll agree on that " I said and he smiled.

"What about Ava for a girl and Amari for a boy I like that name too." I said and he nodded.

"Not better than Justin but I'm feeling it" he said and I smiled good.

"Bullock" the nurse called and we both got up and walked to the back. Here we go...

My feet were killing me and I was tired as hell, I walked up to the door and knocked on it.

Soon the door opened and Tristan answered, "Waddup G" he said reaching for a hug I obliged and he stepped to the side to let me in.

"I just got here, but Lizzie, Jasmine, and Heaven are sleeping in the guest room. I'm on baby sitting duty" he said and walked into the living room and I followed.

"You can chill in here if you want or come to the game room with me" he said and left before letting me answer I followed him or course because I wasn't sitting in here alone.

I walked in the room and Langston was sitting there on his phone, he didn't see me so I started backing outta the room.

"Who was that at the door?" he said and Tristan told him it was me and he looked up from his phone I hid behind a game and listened to them.

"Where she at?" he said looking around Tristan looked behind him and shrugged.

"I thought she was behind me I guess she went to get Lizzie" Tristan said and Langston nodded.

"Did you tell her I was here?" he said and I guess Tristan him no and he started the game.

"What happened with y'all any way I thought y'all was going to be the next Alecie and Chris" Tristan said and I rolled my eyes.

"Man shut the hell up! I wasn't ready for a relationship and I felt myself falling for her and that never ends well so I cut it off before either one of us got hurt " he said and I covered my mouth because I was going to scream. So he wasn't giving me the cold shoulder after the wedding he was just scared...

"But it's Gucci though she will find somebody to treat her right better than I could anyway now drop this sappy shit and start the game nigga so you can get that ass whooped" he said and I heard the game start again I looked to make sure they couldn't see me and I back out the room and then hauled ass the rest of the way.

I went to get Lizzie and ran out the house, as I walked to the bus stop I started to think about what Langston said

He stopped fucking with me so I wouldnt get hurt but why didn't he tell me that I mean I wouldn't have been as mad or hurt as I was because we already said we was going to be friends. I got to the bus stop and sat on the bench I sat Lizzie down with her head on my lap. I was tired as fuck she is way heavier than the last time I held her and in just walked like 5 blocks so you do the math.
I ran my fingers though Lizzie hair and I was lost in thought I wish I never walked into that damn room because now that's all I can think about is what Langston said.

Baby Reval Next chapter What y'all think it's going to be?

Girl or Boy 🤷🏽‍♀️


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