S1 Ep10 Gwumpy

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   Oh boy the physical fitness test. The time where you get to show off your fitness skills and believe it or not it's different depending where you live. Y/N was just glad not to do push ups or fo the pacer test.

   The first of the tests was the ball throw. Hairo was up first with a whopping 46.3 meters. He was all fired up because he has Nendou to go up against. Speaking of which he was pretending that the balls were boobs which earned a a chuckle from Y/N.

   Speaking of which Y/N was up next. They get into a propper throwing position and threw the ball 49.1 meters?! That's farther than Hairo. The poor guy can't decide if he's got a new rival or in love with this absolute beast.

   And of course we have Nendou who got that good good 51.8 meters. Damn Hairo sure got his work cut out for him. If they were giving out medals he'd get bronze. But this won't crush his spirit. Onto the next test.

   Test numero dos the side step test. A test where you do as many side steps as possible in a certain amount of time.

   Hairo got 79 side steps in he was so proud and confident that he beat them buuuut. Y/N: 80 side steps. Nendou: 81 side steps. Close but no cigar buddy it's broze again.

   Test three shall be the grip strength test. Hairo was confident that he was at least gonna beat Y/N at this test because they don't look muscular but anime logic shall prevail. Hairo: 63 Kilograms. Y/N:74 Kilograms. Nendou: 84 Kilograms. Bronze again baby!

   Hairo just looked at Y/N in pure shock. "How the hell did something so tiny have such a great grip strength?" "Wow you're so strong Y/N!" he complemented. Perhaps offering them to work out with him was a mistake.

   "Well if you think that's impressive check this out" They go over to Hairo and just picked him up and held him bridal style. Hairo may not be their partner but they can definitely carry him around. It seems their wish was fulfilled.

   Oh Hairo's definitely in love now.

   Now it's time for Y/N to move up from silver to gold in their lil make shift Olympics games with their sit and reach test. Nendou got 34 centimeters with his boobs. Hairo surpassed him with 65 centimeters. But he shouldn't be to quick to celebrate because Y/N got 77 centimeters. That's even farther what Kaido got. Guess you can say they're pretty flexible. (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

   In the end Hairo told them both it was a good game and vowed to train even harder than before but don't worry YN is gonna join him and never live this down.


   Today's the day that Kurumi and Kuniharu had longed for ever since their sweet psychic boy was born. The day that he'd invite someone over to hang out. And it was none other than good ol Y/N.

   You see Saiki had gotten a crappy ps1 graphics looking game from the bargen bin at the store. Since it looked so crappy they decided to invite Y/N over because they mentioned that they liked playing crappy games and watching crappy movies so they could provide colorful commentary to make fun of it.

   So when Saiki invited them over they gladly accepted because this is gonna be their game grumps moment that they longed for so much. The two can be grump and not so grump even if Y/N will be doing most of the talking.

   Speak of the devil here they are now knocking on the door and yelling for Saiki. "Ay Saiki! It's Y/N!" They held up a bag. "I brought coffee jelly" They know the way to a man's heart.

   Saiki just teleported to the front door so he could open it before his parents to spar them both the embarrassment. "Welcome" He greeted before opening the door wider to let them in.

Y/N handed him the bag of coffee jelly before they stepped inside and took off their boots. "So show me the goods dude"

He nods and led them to the kitchen where he temporarily had the game since he hadn't bothered to take it to his room yet. He pulls the game out of the bag and shows it to them.

"Wow I haven't even heard of this title so it's probably crappy" They pause for a moment "But then again Ribbit King isn't popular but it's a pretty good game"

"Ribbit king?" Saiki asked as he stole a spoon from the kitchen for his coffee jelly before bringing them up to his room.

"Yeah it's a pretty good game." They started as they followed him. "It's a golfing game for the GameCube but instead of golf balls it's frogs"

"That doesn't sound too bad" Saiki considered asking to play it with them after they play this shit show of a game. Oh hey the game is starting.

Right away the first flaw of said game was the long an hard to understand intro. "Wow by the time the intro's finished we'll be dead and our great great grandchildren will have to finish the game for us"

And here comes flaw number two. Saiki couldn't skip the cut scenes. Not even his powers could sav him now. "Maaaan this is a bunch of gobbledygook" "Are you making up words now?" "If the game is going to say random nonsense at me then I have right to take revenge" They pointed out.

Saiki decided to look up the gobbledygook in the unintelligible game guide. Suddenly flaw number three came in the form of a loud "DODGE" from the tv. Neither of them could dodge in time and their character died. "Register now at your local supermarket for the rewards card. It will save you ten percent on FUCKING GODDAMN BULLSHIT, FUCK!" They getting angy now.

And there was no retry option and they had to watch ghat god forsaken cut scene again. "You fucking hammer with your fucking tied-ass hammer your stick!" Again with the nonsense.

And when they finally get back to the point were they were it fucking freezes and they have to restart again. "The only thing this game reminds me of is a massive shit I took earlier"

Then after when they finally get to a save point they gam just resets for no fucking reason. " . . . You've gotta draw the line somewhere, you've gotta draw a fucking line in the sand, dude! You gotta make a statement! You gotta look inside yourself and say, 'What am I willing to put up with today? NOT FUCKIN' THIS!'" It seems they finally broke.

Y/N sighs. "You know I think we're done fo today I think I'm gonna go home and take a nap. Thank you so much for inviting me but I never wanna go through that horibble process ever again unless I'm being paid." They bid him adue and go home.

"Well thatnks for suffering with me. I think I'll take a nap too" Was all he said before they left. He just fell asleep on the floor.


Ah another day of school to end another say to grab a cup of Joe from Cafe Mami. That's what Y/N would've been doing if they hadn't been stopped by Nendou who wanted him and all his buddies to walk together. And how could you say no to Nendou.

And so here they are walking with the boys and OH HEY it's Kaido's mom who ha an unhealthy obsession with education. Tea and cookies that sounds just great.

When they got there she asked Shun babyms friends about collage. Y/N said that they ain't too sure which one but they'd probably get a degree in engineering or perhaps they'll be a lawyer like Phoenix Write- I mean uh mom.

Nendou exlaimed how he was gonna be a ceo and didn't need it while Saiki was more focused on coffee jelly. As punishment she gave them work books to do while she talked to shun.

By the time she came back the books were finished and Y/N was watching Nendou play that shitty game that they and Saiki playe the other day.

[Updog :) ]

Zoo wee mama this has got to be my longest chapter yet.

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